Art Therapy at PULSE CBD


Welcoming you to therapeutic session every first Wednesday of the month

Art Therapy at PULSE CBD

Art Therapy


Art therapy is a profound journey into the recesses of the mind, a transformative process that we've embraced wholeheartedly. This therapeutic technique, wielded adeptly by our counselors, serves as a beacon guiding individuals through stress and facilitating solutions.




Every first Wednesday of the month at PULSE CBD, a tranquil atmosphere envelops our space as an art therapy session unfolds. Here, participants engage in a serene exploration of a chosen piece of art or a subject that resonates with profound emotions. During one memorable session, attendees brought forth pieces of fabric laden with personal memories. These fabrics underwent a metamorphosis, as we cut and sewed them anew. The result? A visually stunning creation that offered fresh perspectives on feelings and memories. Each participant's contribution was a masterpiece, a tangible link to their inner selves.


Post-artistry, we delved into discussions about the transformed fabrics, unveiling personal revelations and sharing experiences. It was an evening infused with empathy and tenderness, a collective strength-building exercise for the challenges ahead.


Abstract art becomes a conduit for self-expression, enabling a deeper understanding of vulnerabilities, struggles, and strengths—both within oneself and others. Beyond fostering mental health, art therapy becomes a holistic tool enhancing overall well-being and enriching relationships, particularly with loved ones. Dare to confront the unfamiliar facets of yourself, taking strides toward understanding and happiness that resonate for everyone.