4th Generation HIV Test Anonymous HIV Testing | Anonymous HIV Clinic Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai Thailand


Modern HIV tests at PULSE clinic are very accurate within the time limits that they are recommended. Anonymous HIV test for everyone.

4th Generation HIV Test Anonymous HIV Testing | Anonymous HIV Clinic Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai Thailand

A 4th generation HIV test (HIV-1 p24 antigen Ag/HIV-1 antibody and HIV-2 antibody) does detect antibody for HIV-1 and HIV-2, and HIV-1 p24 antigen. It will detect 95% of infections at 28 days after exposure and it can detect up to 99% of infection at day 45 after exposure. Furthermore, it can detect more than 99.99% of infections at three months. If you are still worried you can repeat the test at 90 days (3 months) after exposure to be 99.99% sure.

The 4th generation HIV test, detects the HIV antibody (Ab) and p24 antigen (Ag), giving a window period of 1 month (28 days) from exposure to reliable test result.


FDA-Approved HIV Test

PULSE Clinic standard HIV test is the HIV 4th Generation Antigen/Antibody Test. This FDA-approved 4th generation HIV test evaluates the blood for HIV Type 1 and Type 2 in two ways: By detecting antibodies that your immune system creates specifically to fight the HIV virus, as well as detecting Human Immunodeficiency Virus antigens called HIV P24 antigens. These antigens are viral proteins that make up most of the core of the virus; they are especially helpful in diagnosing HIV because these antigen levels P24 antigens are high in the first few weeks after infection. Since this test is sensitive to P24 antigens, it is useful for diagnosing HIV infections when antibody levels are still initially low. If your initial blood test result is positive, a confirmation test will be completed on the same blood sample to confirm the diagnosis at no additional cost. Getting tested for HIV is essential– It is possible to have HIV and infect your partner without showing any signs or symptoms of having the virus.

All laboratory testing, including STD tests, accuracy rates are measured in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Our FDA-approved HIV 4th generation antibody/antigen test has a sensitivity rate of 100% and a specificity of 99.72-100%.


HIV Test Pricelist

4th Generation
HIV Test
(HIV Combo)
itemMethodBlood CollectionWaiting TimePrice
HIV Combo
(In-house Ag/Ab test)
< 1mL.
20 minutes1290 THB
HIV Combo
(Out lab Ag/Ab test)
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay
1-2 days850 THB


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What do I need to do to prepare for the test?

No fasting or additional preparation is needed for the HIV Antibody blood test.

When is the right time to get the HIV Antibody Test?

The right time to take our 4th Generation HIV Antibody / Antigen Test is 2-3 weeks after exposure. Our blood test searches for the presence of these antibodies in the blood, as well as antigens on the surface of the HIV virus. Most people will develop detectable antibodies (proteins made by the immune system to fight the HIV virus) within this time frame, but in rare cases it may take up to 3 months for them to develop. This test is sensitive to P24 antigens, so it is useful for diagnosing HIV infections when antibody levels are still initially low. We do recommend retesting after three months have past since potential exposure for conclusive results. If antibodies or antigens to HIV are found, a supplemental differentiation assay is performed at no additional cost to confirm the presence of HIV. If you are concerned about recent exposure, our HIV RNA Early Detection Test can detect the presence of HIV as early as 9-11 days after exposure.

What will the test results say?

Your HIV test results will say either positive or negative. There are no signs of HIV antibodies or antigens in the blood if the result is negative. If positive, HIV antibodies were found, and a confirmation test will be completed on the same blood sample to confirm the diagnosis at no additional cost.

Can HIV be cured or treated?

No, there is no cure for HIV, but it can be treated with the help of various modern anti-retroviral drugs with almost no side-effects, HIV can be managed and individuals with HIV can lead healthy happy lives. The medications prescribed to treat and manage HIV strengthen the immune system and help prevent HIV from developing into AIDS.

Who needs HIV Antibody testing?

HIV affects both men and women. Anyone who has had unprotected sex or who engages in intravenous drug use should get tested. It is possible to have HIV for a long time without being aware, especially because its symptoms (if present) could be mistaken for other illnesses. The only way to know is to get tested. The HIV test should be a part of your routine STD screening.

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