HIV Test Kit (3rd Generation)


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HIV Test Kit (3rd Generation)

HIV Test Kit (3rd Generation)

The At-Home Rapid HIV Test Kit (3rd Generation) provides a simple, quick, and private method to test for HIV from the comfort of your home. Ideal for those in remote areas or who value privacy, this kit delivers reliable results with ease.


Sexual risks

HIV, STD, or pregnancy and preventive actions to take before and after exposure.

Before exposureAbstain from sex, Be faithful, or Condom use
Circumcision (males only)Contraception (females only)
HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis): Stop HIV infection before exposureSTD vaccine: hepatitis vaccine, HPV vaccine
STD / HIV exposureUnsafe sex / unprotected sex: No condom, condom broke, condom slip
0-72 hoursHIV PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis): Stop HIV infection after exposure

STD testing *

Screening test to look for asymptomatic infections from previous exposures

Emergency contraception with the morning-after pill (females only)
2 weeksHIV DNA Test-
1 monthHIV 4th Generation Test—SD Bioline HIV Ag/Ab Combo—Fingerprick blood sampling. 20 minutes for results
3 monthsHIV 3rd Generation Test: OraQuick® HIV-1/2 Antibody, Oral Fluid, or Fingerprick blood sampling. 20 minutes for results

STD testing *

Full & comprehensive diagnostic test to look for current infections

Watch forHIV SymptomsSTD Symptoms-
If infectedHIV TreatmentSTD TreatmentAbortion


Why Choose the 3rd Generation HIV Test Kit?

  • The 3rd Generation HIV Test Kit has 99% sensitivity and 99% specificity. This indicates that 99% of persons with HIV test positive, whereas 99% of those without HIV test negative.
  • The 3rd Generation is the most accurate and reliable rapid test meant for home and a very easy-to-use product to diagnose HIV in person or not.

Key Benefits:

  • Quick results: ready in just 15-20 minutes.
  • User-friendly: requires only a small blood sample via fingerprick.
  • High accuracy: when used within the recommended time frame.
  • FDA-approved: ensuring safe and reliable testing.


Privacy and Convenience at Home

Testing for HIV doesn’t have to be intimidating. The At-Home Rapid HIV Test Kit empowers you to take charge of your health discreetly. Perform the test in the privacy and comfort of your home, avoiding the need for clinic visits. This option is perfect for those who feel anxious about seeing a doctor or prefer the ease of at-home testing.


When to Get Tested

Everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 should get an HIV test at least once as part of their regular healthcare. People with certain risk factors should get tested more frequently. You should get tested at least once a year if:

  • You’re a man who has had sex with another man.
  • You’ve had anal or vaginal sex with someone who has HIV.
  • You’ve had multiple sex partners since your last HIV test.
  • You’ve shared needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment (e.g., cookers).
  • You’ve exchanged sex for drugs or money.
  • You’ve been diagnosed with or treated for another sexually transmitted infection, hepatitis, or tuberculosis (TB).
  • You’ve had sex with someone who has done any of the above, or you don’t know their sexual history.

Gay and Bisexual Men

Sexually active gay or bisexual men may benefit from more frequent testing (every 3 to 6 months). Discuss your risk factors with your healthcare provider to understand your testing options.

Pregnant People

Pregnant individuals should be tested for HIV during each pregnancy. Testing and treating those who are HIV-positive is an effective way to prevent babies from being born with HIV.

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Buy At-Home Rapid HIV Test Kit at PULSE Clinic.  

You can buy an HIV test kit and have it delivered to your home. Then, you can collect your sample quickly and easily at home.


At-Home Rapid HIV Test Kit (3rd Generation)
550.00 THB

At-Home Rapid HIV Test Kit (4th Generation)
1,290.00 THB

For more information and the ordering process, please contact us at
 or chat with us on your preferred platform. 

  +66-84-226-2569     @pulserx       PulseClinic

Testing Results

The type of HIV test and the location where you are tested affect your results:

  • With a rapid antibody test (often done with blood from a fingerstick or oral fluid), results are ready in 30 minutes or less. This includes HIV self-tests used at home or in private.
  • A rapid antigen/antibody test, also done with blood from a finger stick, gives results in 30 minutes or less.
  • It may take several days to receive results from a NAT or antigen/antibody lab test.

Window Period

No HIV test can detect the virus immediately after exposure due to the "window period," the time between exposure, and when a test can identify the virus in your body. The window period varies by test:

  • Antibody tests usually detect HIV 23 to 90 days after exposure. Most rapid and self-tests are antibody tests.
  • A rapid antigen/antibody test with blood from a fingerstick detects HIV 18 to 90 days after exposure.
  • A lab-based antigen/antibody test with blood from a vein detects HIV 18 to 45 days after exposure.
  • A NAT detects HIV 10 to 33 days after exposure. If you test negative after potential HIV exposure, retest after the window period for the test you took.

If Your Test Result is Positive

  • If you get a positive result on an antibody test, you’ll need a follow-up test to confirm
  • If the positive test was done at a community program or using a self-test, go to a healthcare provider for follow-up testing.
  • If the positive test was done in a healthcare setting or lab, the lab will conduct the follow-up test, usually with the same blood sample.
  • If the follow-up test is positive, you have HIV. Receiving an HIV diagnosis can be overwhelming. Take time to process it, then seek HIV care and start treatment as soon as possible. HIV treatment can lower the virus in your body to undetectable levels, which helps you stay healthy and protects others. It's important to share your HIV status with your sex or needle-sharing partners.

Open communication allows everyone to take the necessary steps to stay healthy. Testing positive for HIV does not mean you have AIDS (the most advanced stage of HIV disease). Without treatment, HIV can lead to AIDS.


If you have any symptoms or would like to speak with a doctor, please get in touch with us and book your appointment today!

Essential STD Testing Package


No Anal Sex
No Vaginal Sex
No oral sex
HIV Combo
(HIV Combo Ag/Ab Test)
(Anti-TP or VDRL Titer)
Hepatitis B virus
(HBsAg Antigen Test)
Hepatitis C Virus
(Anti-HCV Antibody Test)
Urine Test
(PCR 14 STDs)
3 days-
Throat Swab
(PCR 14 STDs)
3 days---
Vaginal Swab
(PCR 14 STDs)
3 days----
Anal Swab
(PCR 14 STDs)
3 days----
Skin Swab
(PCR 14 STDs)
3 days-------
Package Price3100

| Special Package for youth, students, and underprivileged people of all sex, gender and nationality


Book Your Appointment Today!

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 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic

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