#MakeYourselfAt Home compiles all the reliable self-test kits that are convenient, private, and easy to use!


Home Test Kit by PULSE Clinic

What are the Home Test Kits?

At-home test kits, also referred to as at-home medical tests, are kits available for purchase online or at local pharmacies and supermarkets. These kits enable you to test, screen, or monitor various diseases and conditions in the privacy of your own home. Common at-home tests include:

  • Pregnancy tests
  • Blood glucose tests to help manage diabetes
  • Fecal occult blood tests that screen for colon cancer
  • Tests for infectious diseases, including hepatitis, HIV, and COVID-19
  • Genetic tests that indicate if you are at higher risk for specific diseases


There are two types of at-home tests:

1. Self-tests require you to collect a sample of body fluid, such as blood, urine, or saliva, and apply it to the kit as instructed. These tests provide immediate results.

2. Self-collection tests also let you take your sample at home, but you'll need to package it and send it to a lab for analysis. You can receive your results from your healthcare provider or through an online portal with a unique login and password. The time it takes to get results can vary depending on the test type.

Many kits are available without a prescription, but you should consult us for recommendations on which kits to use.


How do I use an at-home test kit?

The specific instructions may differ based on the type of the test kit. Here is of one of the at-home test kits we have at PULSE Clinic:

Hepatitis C Test

This test determines if you currently have hepatitis C or if you were infected in the past.

Test Procedure:
1. Use a lancet to prick your finger and obtain a drop of blood.
2. Place the blood sample on a special piece of paper.
3. Seal and mail the paper to a laboratory.
4. The testing lab or your healthcare provider will notify you of the results.


 At-home Test Kits Available at PULSE Clinic




For more information about the medication and ordering process,

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Is there anything else I should know about at-home medical tests?

At-home medical tests can provide useful information but should not replace professional guidance and treatment from your healthcare provider. It's important to follow up with your provider after at-home testing, regardless of the results.

When purchasing and using an at-home test kit, keep the following in mind:

  • Only use FDA-approved or FDA-authorized tests, as the FDA has strict standards for the quality and accuracy of home test kits.
  • Follow the test instructions precisely; even small deviations can impact your results.
  • Avoid using expired tests, as the chemicals may lose their effectiveness over time.
  • Do not alter your medications based on a test result without consulting your provider. Inform your provider of your results, and they can advise you if any changes to your medication or dosage are necessary based on your at-home test results.


Contact us at info.bkk@pulse-clinic.com or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


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