Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Injection


HGH injections are being used to improve energy, libido, and muscle mass in healthy adults.  

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Injection

Men's Health | Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Injection

NOTE: Currently, HGH injections in only available in PUSLE Clinic Singapore PULSE Clinic ManilaPULSE Clinic Kuala Lumpur.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Injection

Synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as an injection has been around for many years.
Conventionally, it is indicated for use with children with growth hormone deficiency and to build muscle in patients with chronic wasting diseases.
There has been growing interest in HGH injections, which are being used to improve energy, libido, and muscle mass in healthy adults.
Before starting HGH therapy, let’s find out more about this hormone.  


What is HGH?  

Human growth hormone is a hormone released by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small gland below the brain. During childhood, it is produced in high amounts to make us grow taller.   

During adulthood, our body still produces HGH, however, in small amounts. This hormone aims to maintain the health of our bones and organs. As we age, the amount of HGH naturally produced by our body decreases.  


Can We Use HGH to Anti-Age?  

There are some studies to show that as HGH production drops in older men, it may lead to increased body fat, decreased muscle mass, and decreased bone strength.   

Some studies have shown that older men with severe HGH deficiencies will experience an increase in muscle mass, decrease body fat and increase bone density after receiving HGH injection treatments.  


What are The Symptoms of HGH Deficiency?  

The symptoms of HGH deficiency in adults can be very varied. Some people develop multiple symptoms, some only 1 or 2 symptoms.  

The symptoms of HGH deficiency include but are not limited to:  

  • Weight gain, especially belly fat   
  • Low Libido
  • Low energy levels
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength   
  • High levels of “bad” (LDL) cholesterol   
  • High triglyceride levels   
  • Anxiety  
  • Depression
  • Baldness  
  • Difficult to concentrate and lack memory  
  • Resistance to insulin  
  • Poor bone density – higher risk of fractures  
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold  


How Do I Test for HGH Deficiency?  

At the moment, there are no reliable tests that we can use to check look for HGH deficiency. One of the tests that doctors can use is IGF-1. If you suspect that you may have HGH deficiency, it is best to consult your doctor. You may need to also test other hormone levels like Testosterone which may be related to your symptoms.

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Is There a Treatment For Low HGH?  

If diagnosed to have low HGH, the treatment is daily HGH injections. The injections come in prefilled pens and use a tiny needle for injection. It is injected into the fat around your tummy. It is painless.  

NOTE: Currently, HGH injections in only available in PUSLE Clinic Singapore PULSE Clinic ManilaPULSE Clinic Kuala Lumpur.


Are There Side Effects with the HGH Injections?

The side effects of HGH injections are not common. The risk of getting side effects increases with the dose.  

  • Water retention  
  • Painful joints  
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome   
  • Risk of developing Diabetes  
  • Raised cholesterol levels  
  • Tingling skin  


Is There Any Alternative to HGH Injections Like Oral Supplements?

HGH injections are the only way to deliver HGH into the body effectively.   

Some companies promote “HGH supplements”. These supplements usually contain minerals and vitamins that supposedly will boost HGH production. This is currently not scientifically proven.  


Speak to our doctor today! 

HGH Injection is available in PULSE Clinic Singapore & PULSE Clinic Malaysia. We provide a comfortable environment for your private discussion of men’s health issues in our Men's Health Clinic in Singapore & Men's Health Clinic in Malaysia


So how does a doctor help in maintaining your hormones?

Well basically, once you have been worked up to confirm that you do indeed have a hormonal issue, we can help with deciding the type of treatment and replacement therapy that will be best suited for you.

For instance, amongst the available options of treatment, some testosterone injections are not suitable if you’re trying to conceive. Also, when it comes to picking out the right regime, be it oral pills, injections, or creams, its best to do this with the advice of a doctor.

These sort of treatment regimes will usually require close follow up initially. Things like your sugars, blood pressures, kidney and liver function, and cholesterol should all be checked and kept in a good range. The hormonal activity should also be initially closely monitored until both doctor and client are comfortable with the progress being made.

There are different injection regimes to hormone replacement therapy as well.

Some people get one injection on a monthly or two monthly bases whereas other people are given an injection pen to take home where they inject themselves a few times a week. It’s usually your doctor who will prescribe a regime for you.
As earlier mentioned, there can be some rather serious side effects to uncontrolled hormonal therapy and this is why I feel that when choosing to embark on this journey, its best to do it with medical supervision.

That being said, I hope this article has shown some light to you who are looking into hormonal therapy to improve your outlook on life. I’m happy to help if you’d like.

NOTE: Currently, HGH injections in only available in PUSLE Clinic Singapore PULSE Clinic ManilaPULSE Clinic Kuala Lumpur.


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