Dysuria (pain when you pee) reflects a urogenital infection such as urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, or urinary tract infection.
Dysuria is a common complaint in men and a presenting symptom of various conditions. Most frequently, the presence of dysuria reflects a urogenital infection such as urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, or urinary tract infection.
The initial evaluation of the man who presents with dysuria is focused on infectious etiologies.
In older men, prostatic hyperplasia is more common, involving organisms such as E. coli and other coliforms.
Men who engage in insertive anal intercourse are at increased risk for epididymitis due to coliform bacteria.
1. Painful urination
2. Itch or discharge at the tip of the penis.
3. Fever, chills, malaise, myalgia,
4. Cloudy urine.
5. Pelvic or perineal pain.
6. Dribbling and hesitancy to anuria.
At PULSE CLINIC and PULSExpress, we have rapid urine testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. You will be asked to collect first-catch urine in the bottles available at PULSExpress.
Penile self-swabs and self-urine collection will be available as well if any discharge is noted by yourself.
If required and if your test results at PULSExpress are positive, a doctor’s review will be arranged, during which the doctor will perform further discussion and detailed physical examination. A debate about ultrasound prostate can be done if necessary.
At the same session, our doctor will be able to formulate a treatment regime for you based on your results. Also, patients with risk factors for a sexually transmitted infection will be offered screening for syphilis and HIV infection as well.
Contact us at info.bkk@pulse-clinic.com or chat on your preferred platform:
+66 65 237 1936
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