Straight man who's sexually active can take a daily dose of PrEP and prevent the transmission of HIV from female partner. Better take PrEP than sorry!
PrEP is a medication regimen that HIV-negative people can take to prevent HIV. Although few studies have been done for more diverse group of people, it's safe to say that PrEP can reduce the chance of HIV transmission in straight men who have sex with women who's HIV-positive as well.
PrEP has been around for 11 years. PrEP is a course of a once-daily pill containing the medications tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, taken DAILY DOSE or ON DEMAND under the supervision of a doctor.
The original PrEP from 2013 comes in so many brands these days such as TRUVADA, TENO-EM, TENOF-EM, TAVIN-EM, RICOVIR-EM, you can take whatever available and affordable for you.
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Taking PrEP every day makes sure that there are protective drug levels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even if you don’t have sex.
This means you can have sex anytime, without planning for PrEP.
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A follow-up study to the IPERGAY research indicates that on-demand PrEP may be highly effective, offering a 97% reduction in HIV risk.
PrEP 2-1-1, or "On-Demand" PrEP, involves taking medication only before and after potential sexual encounters. This method has shown promising results, with an 86% effectiveness rate in studies involving men who have sex with men (MSM).
Leading health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), now recommend offering on-demand PrEP to cisgender MSM. It’s important to note that this recommendation currently applies only to cisgender MSM, as research has not yet confirmed its effectiveness for other populations.
While there hasn’t been specific research on heterosexual men who have vaginal sex with women, it’s understood that the risk for insertive heterosexual men is lower compared to men who have sex with men. Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior for HIV transmission, with the average risk of infection through a single act of condomless insertive anal sex with an HIV-positive partner being slightly higher than that of vaginal sex. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the use of PrEP for heterosexual men should reduce the risk of HIV transmission during vaginal sex with female partners.
Start with a double dose (two pills) at least two hours before having sex.
Instead of taking daily PrEP, you will continue for either two or seven days, depending on the type of sexual activity.
If you are having sex for several consecutive days, just keep taking a daily pill. After your last sexual encounter, continue taking daily PrEP for either 2 or 7 days.
Event-based dosing is as effective as daily PrEP and is often preferred by those who have sex less frequently than once a week and usually know when they might engage in sexual activity.
While event-based dosing requires fewer pills, it is not suitable for individuals with hepatitis B.
2:1:1 dosing involves starting with a double dose and then taking daily PrEP for two days after sex. Each dose should be roughly 24 hours after the previous one.
2:1:1 dosing can be used by anyone for anal sex (if you are the insertive or receptive partner) or insertive vaginal/frontal sex. It can not be used for receptive vaginal/frontal sex.
2:7 dosing involves starting with a double dose and then taking daily PrEP for seven days after sex. Each dose should be roughly 24 hours after the previous one.
2:7 dosing needs to be used by cis women and trans and non-binary people who are having receptive vaginal/frontal sex.
The pre-dose is important for the highest protection when using event-based dosing. But if you miss or are late with the pre-dose, start with a double dose as soon as you can.
On demand dosing depends on which part of your body will come into contact with HIV.
The main difference is that PrEP drugs reach much higher levels in anal tissue compared to vaginal tissue.
So if your only risk is from vaginal or anal sex and you are fucking (insertive partner), on-demand dosing can be used by everyone. Cisgender men can use on demand for any type of sex. It doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight.
If you are engaging in vaginal (or front hole) or anal sex, daily dosing is necessary. In practice, this means that most cisgender and transgender women should take PrEP daily. Additionally, transgender men who have front-hole sex also need to use it daily.
This is because the IPERGAY study reported no infections in men whose risk was just from insertive sex (ie being active for anal sex).
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+66 65 237 1936
For more information about the medication and ordering process, please contact us at pulseliving@pulse-clinic.com or chat with us on your preferred platform.
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