PULSExpress - walk-in lab test without a doctor fast online results, no doctor fee | PULSE Asia's Leading Lifestyle Clinics


Clients of PULSExpress service can get lab tests done without having to see a doctor

PULSExpress - walk-in lab test without a doctor fast online results, no doctor fee | PULSE Asia's Leading Lifestyle Clinics

PULSExpress - Walk in laboratory testing

Lab test in a hurry, no need to see a doctor (hence, no doctor fee), pricelist belo

What is PULSExpress?

PULSExpress is a walk-in laboratory testing, a service designed for either one of the below;

  • anyone who just want to get lab test
  • people who do not want to pay doctor fee
  • people who do not need to ask a question to a doctor
  • people who do not want to spend time with the doctor
  • people who have had proper medical consultation previously or
  • people who get tested regularly or
  • people who know well how to take care of their health and sexual health including healthy people with chronic conditions
  • people who may use lab results to discuss with their doctors
  • people who (want to) use hormones such as body builders, women, transgenders, etc. 


Clients of PULSExpress service can get lab tests done without having to see a doctor (and so no doctor fee) 
You are good candidate of PULSExpress if you:

  • do NOT have any symptoms
  • have NOT been in contact with someone who has gonorrhoea or chlamydia requiring treatment (and you have no symptoms)
  • do NOT Need treatment for a positive gonorrhoea or chlamydia test (and you have no symptoms)
  • Are 15 years of age or over.
  • Are taking PrEP (HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis)
  • Get tested regularly for HIV, syphilis or other STDs
  • Get tested at least annually for urine PCR or throat swab and anal swab for gonorrhoea or chlamydia


What does PULSExpress cover?

PULSExpress covers all ranges of laboratory testing such as

  • any laboratory testing
  • annual check up
  • sexual health check up
  • 7-14 STDs/STIs DNA test (PCR multiplex)
  • women hormone tests
  • men and body builders lab tests
  • pre-surgery lab tests
  • POZ&PROUD bi-annual lab tests for PLHIV



Steps to getting PULSExpress service at PULSE CLINICS

Steps to receiving PULSExpress service at PULSE CLINIC

  1. Walk in to any PULSE CLINICS or  to avoid disappointment during high seasons
  2. If you visit us the first time, our nice staff will help you with quick registration (If it takes more than 5 minutes, please let our manager know!) For re-visitors show your clinic card with clinic number
  3. Select the lab tests you would like
  4. Complete your payment
  5. Specimen collection, official password-protected lab test results will be sent to your given email address (make sure your inbox is not full and you provide us with correct address)
  6. Leave the clinic happy.


Frequently Asked Questions About PULSExpress

1. Which test can I take?

  • You can decide what you want, you can also get recommendation from our staff.

2. How long do I have to wait for my results?

  • Depends on the lab you want to do. All of our rapid test such as rapid HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C virus test and rapid covid-19 test takes 15 minutes to get results. Other than that it depends, you can check with our staff at PULSExpress clinic.

3. How do I get my results?
You can get your results via

  • PULSE Online Portal on our website
  • E-Doc mobile application
  • Email that you use to register with us
  • Receive results in person at the clinic
  • Send GRAB or other route of delivery to pick up your result for you

4. What happens after I receive my results?

  • If your results are CLEAR, no further follow up will be required. 
  • For cases where your results show that you require treatment, a follow up appointment at our nearest PULSE Clinic will be made for you at your next available time and date for you to consult a doctor regarding your results. The other option would be to get online consultation and online prescription and we can deliver treatment to your home/hotel.

5. What is partner notification?

  •  If test result detects STD(s) or you’ve been diagnosed with STD(s), you may be able to get treatment for your partner too. With this system, your partner can get treated quickly without having to go to the doctor first. You will be protected from your partner passing the infection back to you and neither of you will pass the infection on in the future. Without treatment your partner could pass the STD back to you. Many people with STDs have no signs or symptoms, so your partner may have the STD and not know it. Left untreated, STDs can cause serious health problems.


Trust PULSE CLINIC to take care of your health like other 45000 people from over 130 countries. We provide discreet professional service with high privacy. Here to help, not to judge.

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HIV education for PULSExpress

  1. 1% of Thai population are living with HIV. 68% are on treatment.
  2. 33% of gay men in Bangkok (all Thai and non-Thai) have HIV.
  3. My blood from finger prick test will be tested for HIV infection.
  4. The rapid HIV antibody test will take 20 minutes.
  5. The accuracy of the rapid HIV antibody test is over 99%, the antibody test may not detect a recent HIV infection that occurred in the last 4 weeks.
  6. In case I had exposure to HIV in 2-4 weeks, I am a candidate for 4th generation HIV test which looks for antibody and P24 antigen of the virus, this test will be reported by email tomorrow.
  7. If the antibody test shows inconclusive result, my blood may be sent to an off-site laboratory for an HIV RNA test which looks for virus itself anonymously. This test will not detect an HIV infection that occurred in the last 2 weeks. If I had an exposure to HIV in the last 2 weeks that I am concerned about, I should come back 2 weeks following the exposure to be sure of my HIV status.
  8. If I had an exposure within the last 72 hours, I can seek help from our doctor or counselor to get emergency prevention called P.E.P. which is used widely among healthcare providers.
  9. This is a 100% confidential test and that the data of all individuals will NOT be forwarded to any government sectors. Everything is discreet and confidential no matter if the test result is negative or positive.
  10. If I am tested HIV positive, I am candidate for same day anti-retroviral treatment program (partially free or fully free if I am an underprivilege person) provided to me by Pulse Clinic and friends of Pulse Clinic who want to support our community. I should start treatment today, this will help improve life quality and prevent the transmission of HIV infection. I can ask the doctor for further consultation.
  11. If I am tested positive for HIV, I can seek help to inform my partners. Pulse Clinic is here to help.
  12. I have been given information regarding HIV testing and will have a chance to ask questions to my counselor/doctor about my test today with consultation fee of 800THB.

SYPHILIS Testing Education Sheet for PULSExpress

  1. 17-20% of (one in five) gay men in Bangkok (all Thai and non-Thai) have syphilis.
  2. Diagnosis of syphilis among heterosexual people are increased by 2 times in 2017 compared to 2016.
    Most patients who have syphilis never knew that had syphilis.
  3. Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact (touching, kissing, oral, docking, insertion) to people who have the infection that means using condom may not protect you from syphilis, that’s why you should get tested at least every 6 months if you are sexually active.
  4. Your blood will be tested for syphilis.
  5. The rapid syphilis antibody test will take 20 minutes. It can be done at the same time with HIV testing.
  6. The accuracy of the rapid syphilis antibody test is over 97%, the antibody test may not detect a recent infection that occurred in the last 28 days.
  7. If you are tested positive for syphilis, Pulse Clinic can provide you with gold standard treatment with Benzathine Penicillin injection into muscle (buttock area, painless). If you are allergic to penicillin or have other allergy please tell our doctor/counselor prior to treatment.
  8. If you are tested positive for syphilis, Pulse Clinic highly recommend that we check VDRL titer which will identify the amount of bacteria that causes syphilis in your blood and we will use VDRL titer to evaluate your treatment every 3 months until you are completely cured.


GONORRHOEA & CHLAMYDIA Testing Education Sheet for PULSExpress

  1. Services include testing for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis.
  2. While Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are top two infections and are very famous among general population, ureaplasma species, mycoplasma species and trichomonas vaginalis are becoming more common, these organisms can cause similar symptoms when the infection happens in the urethra, throat and rectal tissue. In most people these infections doesn’t show any symptom but it can be transmitted to other people through oral sex, vaginal sex and anal sex and it can cause symptoms in other people.
  3. The testing method is called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which will detect DNA of the bacteria or organism directly even though with small amount of specimen collected.
  4. The collection of specimen is painless and can be done by yourself.
  5. This “test and go” services are for people who;
    1. Are not having symptoms and not seeking treatment
    2. Have not been exposed to sexually transmitted infections
    3. Do not want any vaccines
    4. Do not want counseling
  1. Official report will be sent to given email within 7 working days of our lab (excluding Sat and Sun)
  2. Process
    1. Urethral infection:
      1. Register >> Receive label sticker >> go to toilet >> do not wipe or clean your penis/vagina >> open the urine cup >> pee the first stream urine until it’s filled halfway >> place urine cup in specimen bag >> wash your hands with THANN and water >> pass it to staff at the counter >> pay >> confirm email address >> Sashay away
    2. Throat infection: We’ll assist you!
    3. Rectal infection:  We’ll assist you!


Trust PULSE CLINIC to take care of your health like other 45000 people from over 130 countries. We provide discreet professional service with high privacy. Here to help, not to judge.

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