Suck My PrEP: HIV and Oral Sex - Do You Need PrEP for Oral Sex?


Learn how PrEP helps prevent HIV by 99%, and if it’s necessary for oral sex.

Suck My PrEP: HIV and Oral Sex  - Do You Need PrEP for Oral Sex?

Suck My PrEP: HIV and Oral Sex - Do You Need PrEP for Oral Sex?

Learn how PrEP helps prevent HIV by 99%, and if it’s necessary for oral sex.


Book your appointment today to start your PrEP journey!

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 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


PrEP Medication is Available at PULSE Clinic in Thailand

PrEP BrandsPromotion Price
Old PrEP 2014 Price per bottle (THB)Price per 6 bottles (THB) Price per 12 bottles (THB) 
Truvada discontinueddiscontinueddiscontinued
Teno-Em 1250750010900
New PrEP 2019
(Safer for your kidneys) 
Original Descovy31501890037800
Generic Descovy1640960019200
Latest Injectable PrEP 2021
3 months package (THB)9 months package (THB)13 months package (THB)
Apretude (Cabotegravir)

Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand

Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand

Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand



What Is PrEP?

PrEP is a medication that helps prevent HIV infections. PrEP usually comes in a form of pills that you take one pill a day. (Truvada, Descovy, Teno-em) It lowers the risk of getting HIV by up to 99% if taken correctly. There are currently many types and options of PrEP for HIV to suit different lifestyles. 

Currently there is a new alternative to PrEP pills like Apretude (cabotegravir) which comes in a form of injection that can stay in your system and help prevent HIV infection for two months with only one injection. 


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 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


How Do People Usually Get HIV?

HIV can spread if you have anal or vaginal sex without protection, like condoms or HIV prevention medicine, with someone who has HIV. It can also spread by sharing needles or drug tools with someone who has HIV.


What About HIV Risks from Oral Sex?

The risk of getting HIV from oral sex with an HIV-positive partner is very low. However, it’s hard to determine the exact risk because many people who have oral sex also engage in anal or vaginal sex.

Mouth-to-penis oral sex may have a slightly higher risk, but it’s still much lower than anal or vaginal sex. Certain factors can increase the risk, such as mouth or genital sores, bleeding gums, contact with menstrual blood during oral sex, or having other STDs. There is also no way to be sure if your partner is HIV negative unless they have lab results from the past 3 months.

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Do You Need PrEP if You Do Oral Sex Only?

Using PrEP as a safety measure is recommended, even if you only engage in oral sex. While the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex is low, it’s difficult to guarantee that no transmission occurs. Additionally, consider the risk of other STIs like chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. The chances of getting these infections through oral sex are significantly higher than getting HIV. These infections can also increase the risk of HIV transmission because they often cause sores and blisters in the infected areas, leaving the skin barrier more vulnerable to HIV. 

For people living with HIV and their partners, PrEP is recommended even if the HIV-positive partner is already on ART and has an undetectable viral load. The risk of HIV from oral sex is even lower when the HIV-negative partner uses PrEP or the HIV-positive partner is on ART and virally suppressed.


PULSE Clinic now offers online PrEP medication refills. For more information about the medication and ordering process, please email or chat on your preferred platform. 


Descovy (Latest Version of PrEP)

5,450 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Generic Descovy (Mylan)

2,650 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Taficita (ARV for HIV Treatment)

3,000 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Also check out Poz and Proud: Get HIV Care from PULSE Clinic for more information about HIV treatment

Teno-EM (Generic HIV PrEP)

1,300 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Tenof-EM (Generic HIV PrEP)

1,1000 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)


 +66-84-226-2569    @pulserx         PulseClinic


How Can You Lower the Risk of STIs from Oral Sex?

With current medicine and a better understanding of STIs, we now have many ways to reduce the risk of getting STIs. Using more than one of these methods together can lower the risk even further.

  • Take PrEP. PrEP is a highly effective method of HIV prevention. When used correctly, it can reduce the risk of HIV by 99%.
  • Use condoms or dental dams during sex. This works similarly to using condoms for vaginal and anal sex. By preventing direct contact with your partner's fluids, the risk of infection is lowered.
  • Use DoxyPEP. DoxyPEP is a new STI prevention method that involves taking antibiotics right after sex. It can help reduce the risk of bacterial infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis by about two-thirds compared to people not using DoxyPEP.
  • Get tested regularly. Regular testing helps you know if these protective methods are working. If you have an infection, early detection means earlier treatment, which helps with recovery and reduces the risk of complications.


Book your appointment today to start your PrEP journey!

Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic

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