Suck My PrEP: Your Ultimate Guide to HIV Prevention


Welcome to "Suck My PrEP," your comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing this preventative measure.

Suck My PrEP: Your Ultimate Guide to HIV Prevention


In today's world, staying informed and proactive about our health is crucial. One of the significant advancements in HIV prevention is PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis. With the right information and access, PrEP can be a powerful tool in the fight against HIV.

Welcome to "Suck My PrEP," your comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing this preventative measure.


For more information about the medication and ordering process,

please email or chat on your preferred platform. 


 +66-84-226-2569    @pulserx         PulseClinic


What is PrEP?

PrEP, short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a daily medication taken by HIV-negative individuals to reduce their risk of contracting HIV. When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission by up to 99%. It's an essential option for those who may be at higher risk of exposure to HIV, such as individuals with an HIV-positive partner or those who engage in high-risk sexual activities.


Why PrEP?

The benefits of PrEP are numerous and significant.

High Efficacy: PrEP is highly effective in preventing HIV when taken as prescribed.

Empowerment: It gives individuals control over their health.

Few Side Effects: Most people experience minimal side effects, making it a manageable addition to their daily routine.


Types of PrEP

There are different types of PrEP available, each with its own method of administration and benefits:


1. Injectable PrEP

Apretude (Cabotegravir): A long-acting injectable PrEP that protects for up to two months with injections administered every two months

This option is ideal for those who prefer not to take daily pills.


2. PrEP Pills

Truvada: Contains emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate

Descovy: Contains emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide

We also provide other generic PrEP (see below)

PrEP Medication is Available at PULSE Clinic in Thailand

PrEP BrandsPromotion Price
Old PrEP 2014 Price per bottle (THB)Price per 6 bottles (THB) Price per 12 bottles (THB) 
Truvada discontinueddiscontinueddiscontinued
Teno-Em 1250750010900
New PrEP 2019
(Safer for your kidneys) 
Original Descovy31501890037800
Generic Descovy1640960019200
Latest Injectable PrEP 2021
3 months package (THB)9 months package (THB)13 months package (THB)
Apretude (Cabotegravir)


Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand


Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand


Only in PULSE Clinic Thailand



Getting PrEP at PULSE Clinic in Thailand

1. I have prescription for PrEP already.

  • Show us your prescription and buy the medication right away.
  • You can get refilled up to 12 bottles in one visit.

2. I don't have PrEP prescription but I have health check-up report done within 3 months.

  • If you already have one, you can get a 12-month supply at any PULSE branches in Thailand.

3. I dont have PrEP prescription or health check-up report with me.

  • Then you can get tested at PULSE and receive a 12-month supply of PrEP.
  • You can also get fewer than 12 bottles and have the rest delivered to your door.


Who Should Consider PrEP?

PrEP is recommended for individuals who are at substantial risk of HIV infection, including:

  • Those with an HIV-positive partner.
  • Individuals with multiple sexual partners.
  • People who engage in unprotected sex.
  • Injection drug users who share needles.
  • Those who have been diagnosed with an STI in the past six months.


How is Descovy different than Truvada?



Important Considerations:

  • DESCOVY for PrEP is not suitable for everyone.
  • It is not intended for individuals assigned female at birth who are at risk of contracting HIV through vaginal sex, as its effectiveness for this group has not been studied.
  • Before starting and while taking DESCOVY for PrEP, it is essential to confirm and maintain an HIV-negative status.


On Demand PrEP or Event Based Dosing (EBD).

This dosing option is only suitable for anal sex, not vaginal or frontal sex. If you know that you might have condomless sex 24 hours in advance:

    • take 2 pills 2 – 24 hours before sex
    • take 1 pill 24 hours later
    • take 1 more pill 24 hours after that

4 pills per week—also known as ‘the Ts and Ss’.

This dosing option is only suitable for anal sex, not vaginal or frontal sex. We recommend daily dosing for 7 days, then dropping down to 4 pills per week. 4 pills per week usually involve taking a pill on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Holiday PrEP. Holiday PrEP is suitable for both anal and vaginal or frontal sex. Based on 7 days (or holiday), we recommend 7-7-7:

  • 7 days daily dosing before the period
  • 7 days daily dosing during the period (or for as long as the specific period lasts)
  • 7 days of daily dosing after the period.


APRETUDE (Injectable PrEP)

Injectable PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) has revolutionised HIV prevention by offering a long-acting alternative to daily oral medications. Apretude (cabotegravir), approved by the FDA in the USA since 2021 and by Health Canada in May 2024, marks a significant advancement in this field. Unlike daily oral PrEP that requires consistent adherence, Apretude is administered every two months, making it an ideal choice for individuals who may find it challenging to stick to a daily regimen. This injectable form simplifies the prevention process and increases efficacy and user satisfaction.


APRETUDE for Different Communities


APRETUDE caters to the unique health needs of women, offering them a reliable and hassle-free option to stay protected from HIV.


For men, APRETUDE eliminates the daily pill burden, providing consistent protection without the need for daily reminders.

Gay Men

APRETUDE is particularly beneficial for gay men, as it enhances adherence and offers a discreet method of prevention.

Transgender Individuals

Transgender individuals often face unique healthcare challenges. APRETUDE supports transgender health by providing an effective and convenient option for HIV prevention.


Dosing schedule

Based on individual needs, doctors may begin treatment with daily 30mg tablets of cabotegravir for a month before transitioning to the injectable form of Apretude to assess tolerance. Alternatively, the doctor may decide to start directly with the Apretude injection, bypassing the need for oral pills.

Initially, patients are given Apretude once every month for the first two months, after which it is administered bi-monthly. Consult your physician today to discuss whether Apretude is the right choice.

How to use Apretude 1 How to use Apretude 2
Month 11 inj starter dose 1Month 1Daily starter pills (30 days) 
Month 21 inj starter dose 2Month 21 inj (day 30 or within 3 days)
Month 3-Month 3-
Month 41 inj Month 41 inj
Month 5-Month 5-
Month 61 inj Month 61 inj 
Month 7-Month 7-
Month 81 injMonth 81 inj 
Month 9-Month 9-
Month 101 inj Month 101 inj 
Month 11- Month 11-
Month 121 inj Month 121 inj 


How to use Apretude when you party in Asia How to use Apretude 2
JAN 1 inj starter dose 1Month 1Daily starter pills (30 days) 
FEB 1 inj starter dose 2Month 21 inj (day 30 or within 3 days)
MAR -Month 3-
APRSongkran gCircuit BKK1 inj Month 41 inj
MAY -Month 5-
JUNPattaya Circuit1 inj Month 61 inj 
JUL  Month 7-
AUGWhite Party Vietnam 1 injMonth 81 inj 
SEP -Month 9-
OCTTaipei Pride1 inj Month 101 inj 
NOV - Month 11-
White Party BKK
1 inj Month 121 inj 


Can I fly to Thailand to get Apretude as a foreigner?

Yes, definitely. PULSE CLINIC has 11 branches in Thailand, consisting of 5 branches in Bangkok, 2 branches in Pattaya, 2 branches on Phuket Island, 1 branch on Samui Island, and 1 branch in Chiang Mai. You can enjoy your weekend or holiday; it doesn't matter if you want to party and play. PULSE CLINICs open every day and prescribe PrEP to everyone who has a prescription or lab test result from the last 3 months.


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Chat with PULSE CLINIC ONLINE Department

"Suck My PrEP" is dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources needed to take control of their HIV prevention strategy.

By understanding and utilising PrEP, you can significantly reduce your risk of HIV and live a healthier, more confident life.

Stay informed, stay proactive, and let's work together to create an HIV-free future.


PULSE Clinic now offers online PrEP medication refills. For more information about the medication and ordering process, please email or chat on your preferred platform. 


Descovy (Latest Version of PrEP)

5,450 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Generic Descovy (Mylan)

2,650 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Taficita (ARV for HIV Treatment)

3,000 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Also check out Poz and Proud: Get HIV Care from PULSE Clinic for more information about HIV treatment

Teno-EM (Generic HIV PrEP)

1,300 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)

Tenof-EM (Generic HIV PrEP)

1,1000 THB
for 1 Bottle (30 Tablets)


 +66-84-226-2569    @pulserx         PulseClinic

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