First time bottoming?


Are you 1st time bottom? Read our guide to bottoming for the tips, tricks, everything you need about how to prepare to bottom for perfect experience!

First time bottoming?

First time bottoming?

Anal intercourse normally consists of a top and a bottom. The top is characterised as the insertive partner, whereas the bottom is defined as the receptive partner. And if you enjoy both, you are labelled versatile. While these are all prominent phrases in the LGBTQ+ community, they may refer to anyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Tops are often stereotyped as domineering or aggressive, while bottoms are submissive and like submitting to or being dominated by the top. However, these are myths that further add to the stigma and shame associated with anal sex, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community. Whether you like being on top or bottom, these roles should not define us both inside and outside of the bedroom.

If you have symptoms or want to discuss sexual health, you can consult with doctors at the PULSE Clinic. To book an appointment, please email us at or contact us on your preferred platform.

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How to bottom?

Bottoming can refer to numerous sexual scenarios, although it is most typically used to denote the receiving role in sex between homosexual males.

1. Start with foreplay: Your body must be sufficiently stimulated for enjoyable penetration (whether vaginal or anal). Arousal increases blood flow to the groin and relaxes the pelvic floor muscles. Spend time stimulating each other's bodies, whether by kissing, caressing, masturbating, or viewing pornography.

2. Start slow: Starting with penetration slowly can help your muscles stretch and relax, lowering the risk of tearing, discomfort, or pain. Start with a single finger, a little butt plug, or another toy, as well as lots of lubricant, to help open up your vaginal or anal canal. If you find your body tensing up, attempt to intentionally relax your muscles, which will aid in relaxing your opening. Take your time with delicate penetration, and only go to larger devices (such as full-sized dildos) when you're comfortable and prepared.

3. Go comfortable: Penetration can offer significant pleasure during sexual intercourse, but if you’re feeling stressed, distracted, pressured, and nervous, it can cause discomfort or even pain. Encourage open communication with your partner from the bottom of your heart. If one of you isn’t feeling ready for your further penetration, feel free to take a break.


What Are the Best First-Time Bottoming Positions?

The greatest first-time bottoming positions after dilation and preparation. Whether this is your first time bottoming or you're an expert, there are places where the bottom plays a more dominant role in the early stages. As a result, I propose sitting on the "D" and maneuvering till you find the experience comfortable and enjoyable. This allows you to maintain complete control over the speed and depth until your buttocks relax to their full capacity.


This may take one or more sessions to allow you to fully absorb everything and feel completely at ease. Once this is accomplished, you may begin experimenting with different postures while determining the optimal angles for entry and satisfaction. Your top will probably have some recommendations as well!

When it comes to bottoming for the first time, comfort, relaxation, and control are key. Choosing positions that allow you to ease into the experience and communicate with your partner(s) can make all the difference. Here are some of the best positions for first-time bottoming:


1. Missionary (with Legs Raised)

Why it's good: This classic position allows the bottom to relax while lying on their back. The top has control over the depth and speed of penetration, making it easier to go slow and adjust as needed.

How to do it: Lie on your back and raise your legs slightly, placing them on your partner’s shoulders or letting them rest at your sides. You can control how high or wide you want your legs to be, which helps with comfort.


2. Spoon Position

Why it's good: The spooning position is great for first-timers because it’s more intimate and relaxed. The angle of penetration is more shallow, which can be less intense and easier to manage.

How to do it: Lie on your side with your partner behind you. You both remain lying down, which is great for slow, controlled movements. This position allows for more closeness and is easy to communicate with.


3. Cowboy (Bottom on Top)

Why it's good: This position gives the bottom full control over the pace and depth of penetration. You can slow down, stop, or adjust anytime.

How to do it: Sit on top of your partner as they lie on their back. You control the movement by slowly lowering yourself down. It’s great for testing what feels good for your body at your own pace.



4. Doggy Style (Modified)

Why it's good: Although this position is more intense, it can be modified by leaning forward to reduce the depth of penetration, offering control.

How to do it: Start on all fours, but if you find the standard position too much, try resting on your elbows and chest, which reduces the angle of penetration.


5. Side-by-Side

Why it's good: This position is very gentle and intimate, with less strain on the body. It also allows for easy communication.

How to do it: Both partners lie on their sides facing the same direction, with the top penetrating from behind. It’s very comfortable and easy to adjust as needed.

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Tips for First-Time Bottoming

  • Go slow: Take your time with foreplay and make sure you're properly relaxed.
  • Use plenty of lube. Lubrication is essential for comfort.
  • Communicate: Be open your heart with your partner about what feels good and what doesn’t.
  • Relax your body: Take it easy, especially your pelvic muscles, to make the experience smoother.

Taking your time, choosing a comfortable position, and ensuring open communication with your partner can help make your first bottoming experience more enjoyable.

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How do I choose a partner for bottoming?

Especially for the first time, is an important decision that requires trust, comfort, and good communication. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting the right partner for bottoming:


1. Trust and Emotional Connection

Why it matters: Bottoming is an intimate act that requires vulnerability, so it’s essential to choose a partner you trust emotionally and physically. Trust creates a safe environment where you can feel relaxed and communicate openly.

How to assess: Ask yourself if this person respects your boundaries, listens to you, and needs to make you feel safe. Have they demonstrated care and consideration in other aspects of your relationship?


2. Respect for boundaries

Why it matters: Your partner should be respectful of your physical and emotional boundaries, particularly as bottoming can involve new sensations and discomfort. A respectful partner will check in with you regularly and stop if you’re uncomfortable and you need to control your emotions.

How to assess: Discuss boundaries before the experience. Are they open to listening to your needs and willing to go slow? Do they seem genuinely concerned with your comfort and well-being?


3. Perfect Communication Skills

Why it matters: Open communication is key to a positive bottoming experience. You’ll want a partner who can discuss what you like and dislike, check in during the act, and be open to feedback.

How to assess: A good partner will actively engage in conversations about consent, safety, and preferences. You should feel free and comfortable talking with them about sex, pleasure, and your needs. Anyway, don't forget to use a condom.


4. Patience

Why it matters: First-time bottoming can be nerve-wracking, and it may take time to relax into the experience. A patient partner will go at your pace and give you the space you need to feel comfortable.

How to assess: During foreplay or other intimate moments, notice if they’re willing to take their time. Do they rush or push you into something you're not ready for?


5. Experience and Knowledge

Why it matters: While a partner doesn’t need to be a sexual expert, it can be helpful if they have some experience with anal play or bottoming themselves. They’ll likely understand how to approach the situation with care and use the right techniques.

How to assess: Need to open a lot of conversation about their experience. Do they seem knowledgeable about bottoming, preparation (like cleaning, lubrication), and ensuring comfort?


6. Consideration for Safety

Why it matters: Is that important? Yes, safety is crucial, both in terms of physical and emotional health. You’ll want a partner who is mindful of using protection (condoms) and sufficient lubrication and who understands hygiene practices.

How to assess: Discuss condom use, STI testing, and lube preferences before engaging in sex. A responsible partner will prioritize both of your health.



Final Consideration

Your comfort and enjoyment should always be the priority. If you’re not entirely sure about your partner, it might be worth waiting until you find someone who makes you feel completely safe and at ease. Open conversations about consent, pleasure, and boundaries are vital before choosing to bottom with anyone.


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