Penile Itching


Penile itching, whether caused by a sexually transmitted disease or not, can be so severe that it disrupts your day.

Penile Itching

Penile Itching

Many factors can cause itching in the penile area, which may occur in various parts of the penis, including the urethral opening, foreskin, glans, shaft, and even the scrotum.

This itching can happen during urination or even at rest, and it's important to note whether the itch resolves on its own or persists.

For persistent itching, it's advisable to consult a medical professional rather than relying solely on over-the-counter creams. These treatments can mask underlying issues, such as an STD that may cause urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

A urine STD test and a comprehensive urine STD screening at DTAP Express can determine if you have contracted any urinary STDs, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and less common ones like Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum.

In addition to urinary STDs, infections that can reside in and around the foreskin include yeast infections, Gardnerella, and urinary bacteria. These may arise from hygiene issues or be sexually transmitted, including through oral sex with or without condom use. Accurate testing is essential for effective treatment, and the full urine STD test will help identify these conditions.

If the infections are related to a long foreskin or conditions like balanitis, a doctor's consultation at the DTAP clinic can provide the best treatment options, including circumcision (sutureless, no downtime) if necessary.

Ultimately, persistent penile itching, particularly around the foreskin, is not normal and may indicate a combination of hygiene-related issues or sexually transmitted infections.


Causes of penis itching


Balanitis is inflammation of the glands of the penis. Other symptoms include soreness, itchiness, redness, and swelling. Some men also experience painful urination.

Candidiasis (male thrush)

Also known as a male yeast infection, candidiasis can develop on the head of the penis. Along with itching under the foreskin and the tip of the penis, this condition can cause burning, redness, a rash, and cottage cheese-like discharge under the foreskin.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), can trigger pain and itching in the genital area and on the penis. The virus can lie dormant in the body for years, so some people infected with HSV don’t know. Along with itching, an outbreak can produce tiny clusters of fluid-filled blisters.

Genital warts

These small bumps are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. Genital warts are flesh-colored, resemble cauliflower, and can sometimes itch and bleed during intercourse.

Ingrown hair

An ingrown hair at the base of the penis can itch and produce a soft bump or a painful blister.

Lichen planus and psoriasis

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition that affects the hair, nails, and skin, including the penis. It can cause itchy, flat-topped bumps or blisters.

Psoriasis is another chronic skin condition that can affect the penis. Skin cells develop too quickly with this condition, resulting in the accumulation of skin cells on the skin’s surface. This causes itchy, red patches of scaly skin.

Lichen nitidus

Lichen nitidus is inflammation of the skin cells that causes tiny bumps on different parts of the body, including the penis. Bumps are normally flat-topped, pin-sized, and flesh-colored.


Scabies is a condition where tiny mites burrow underneath the skin’s surface. These mites tend to burrow in the folds of the skin, but can also burrow in the skin around the penis and male genital area.

Scabies causes an intense itch, and you may notice tiny burrow tracks on your penis.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a rash that may develop on your penis if you come in contact with an allergen. This can include soaps, fragrances, and fabric. Along with itching, contact dermatitis can cause dry skin, a red genital rash, and tiny bumps.


This is inflammation of the tube (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder to the outside the body. Other symptoms of urethritis include frequent urination, difficulty urinating, and blood in the semen.


Test & Treat (Express Treatment for PULSE clients)

If left untreated, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, or NSU can cause further health complications such as pain and swelling in the testes or prostate, fertility issues in males and females, and even organ damage.

If your partner has been diagnosed with an STI or STD, PULSExpress offers rapid testing and expedited treatment for you and your partner. Speak to our doctors at PULSE Clinics for Men’s Health related issues.


PCR Multiplex DNA Test for 28 Infections 

Our STD PCR Multiplex test offers advanced technology to detect up to 28 infections, including Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes Simplex, Trichomonas, and Candida strains, all in one test. It can identify infections in various anatomical areas, such as the throat, urethra, anorectal region, vagina, cervix, sperm, and skin lesions. For urethral infections, the Urine PCR is recommended, while the Throat Swab PCR is ideal after oral sex. Anal Swab PCR is advised for unprotected anal sex, and the Vaginal Swab PCR is recommended for vaginal sex, with staff guidance available for all tests.


PCR for 28 Infections
(STD Multiplex)

Online results
Same day**Next day3 days7 days
Throat14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Urine14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Anal Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Vaginal Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Cervical Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Sperm14,800 THB 12,640 THB11,600 THB10,080 THB
Skin Lesion Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Pooling 15,600 THB13,280 THB12,400 THB10,800 THB
PCR for 2 Infections
Same dayNext day3 days7 days
Throat5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Urine5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Vaginal and Cervical Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Rectal Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Sperm*6,200 THB5,150 THB4,100 THB
3,690 THB
Skin lesion Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB

All PULSE Clinics in Thailand provide the most comprehensive PCR Tests for 28 infections 

to give you peace of mind and fast treatment


Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


Medical treatments for penis itching

You may need an over-the-counter or prescription topical cream if home remedies aren’t effective. The type of medication depends on the underlying cause of penile itching.

Options include:

  • antibiotic (relieves an infection caused by bacteria on the skin)
  • steroid creams and hydrocortisone (relieves skin itching, redness, and inflammation)
  • antifungal medication (eliminates fungal infections, including yeast infections)
  • antihistamine (relieves skin irritation caused by allergies)

When to see a doctor?

Some causes of penis itch don’t require you to see a doctor. For example, an ingrown hair will heal on its own in about a week. Likewise, itching, redness, and inflammation from contact dermatitis may go away once you’re no longer exposed to the allergen or irritant.

Some conditions, however, may not go away without treatment.

See a doctor if a penis itch is severe or doesn’t improve, or if you have accompanying symptoms like discharge, blisters, pain, or a rash.

A doctor may be able to diagnose the cause of penis itch after examining your skin. Or, they may swab your penis and send the sample to a lab. This can confirm or rule out a virus, bacteria, and fungal infections.


Preventing penis itching

Avoid substances that cause irritation if you have contact dermatitis. This includes scented and perfumed soaps, and certain fabrics or materials.

Practicing good hygiene can also reduce itching. Bathe or shower daily and thoroughly rinse soap from your private area. Make sure you clean underneath your foreskin to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria, which can cause irritation and itching.

It’s also important to completely dry your body after bathing. Moisture can encourage the growth of yeast.

If you have a history of ingrown hairs, avoid close shaves, shave in the direction of hair growth, and apply shaving cream before shaving to soften your skin.

Also, wear loose-fitting underwear. Tight underwear can cause friction and a skin rash.


Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


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