Penis 101 - The Ejaculation


Penis 101 - The Ejaculation

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Semen volume


When it comes to semen volume, if you are comparing yourself to what you see in porn, you better stop right there and think again. Too many people compare themselves to porn and somehow it doesn't sink in that IT'S A MOVIE and some aspects of it are FAKE. A mixture of cornstarch and water to simulate semen can even be used to heighten the effect, especially for shots to the face. And remember, in a movie, a shot can be edited anyway you like, scenes are made to look like they last longer, etc.

Most people have difficulty judging the exact volume of their ejaculate, especially when it's spread out or partly soaked up in a napkin or tissue. On average, guys ejaculate about one teaspoon-worth of semen in one ejaculation (about 5 mL) which is not a large amount. The amount (volume) of ejaculate will be a little more if it's been awhile since you ejaculated and less if you ejaculated recently.

A man's body is constantly producing sperm and storing it up for ejaculation. This gets mixed with fluid produced by the seminal vesicles and prostate. Apart from frequency of ejaculation, the amount of time spent in sexual activity and the amount of arousal can also affect the volume of ejaculate. The longer the build-up, arousal, and direct stimulation prior to ejaculation, the more volume of fluid can be produced to mix with sperm for ejaculation. Some men also have noticed that this increase in ejaculate volume with longer stimulation also produces a waterier semen because of the increased fluid-to-sperm ratio.

So it stands to reason that if you are dehydrated, your volume will probably be less. Other factors that affect it are getting proper amounts of zinc in your diet, getting good sleep, stress levels and your frequency of ejaculation. Genetic factors and age also play a part, but those are not under your control. Strengthening your PC muscles can produce stronger contractions on orgasm and help push out more fluid. I explain how to strengthen your PC muscles by doing Kegel exercises in this article. You can also check out my eBook, A Man’s Guide To Male Sexual Issues.


Sperm, actually.

In 2008 they did a show on sperm, including the funniest, most thorough explanation I've ever heard of why sperm exists, and why there are so many of them. Later in the show they also explain why gametes parallel the basic structure of social life among all sexually reproducing species. No small task in under an hour.

Sperm fascinate me. They're tiny. If an egg were the size of my apartment, a sperm would be about as big as a stray Cheerio that rolled under the fridge. They're mobile, and there are millions, literally millions of them. About a thousand new ones per second for the duration of a guy's post-pubescent life. 200,000,000 in a single ejaculation.

Spare change in the slot machine of his partner's reproductive canal.

Compare that with a single giant, precious egg per month, and then only when a women is not pregnant or breastfeeding regularly, and for less than 40 years of a woman's life. The ovum is a woman's biological monthly rent.

And if the ovum is rent, then pregnancy is a mortgage, a massive, long term metabolic investment in gestation, plus opportunity cost (can't get pregnant by someone else if you're already pregnant!), followed by the most dangerous birth in the animal kingdom (see cephalopelvic disproportion) and then up to four to five years of breastfeeding in the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.

This right here, folks, this is the ultimate answer to why it's different for women. We've got the vaginas, the uteruses, the eggs, and the breasts. We've got a delicately intricate sexuality, influenced by a vast number of factors, easily tipped out of balance and sometimes complicated to return to balance, and only maybe one day out of 28 is sex even potentially reproductive. Half of all fertilized eggs never implant. 1/3 of all the eggs that implant self-terminate within the first six weeks. It's astonishing that anyone is ever born.

What have men got? Sperm. A robust, stable reproductive system wherein every act of penile-vaginal intercourse is potentially reproductive. And more sperm.

Fortunately for men, they also have arms and brains and hearts and enough sense to know that parenting is nearly always their best bet for making it into the next generation.

I can respect sperm for its capacity to delve into strange and sometimes hostile lands, to wait and adapt and collaborate when necessary, to seek out the egg and to give it just exactly what it was waiting for.

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