RefillXpress Fast Medication Refill Home Delivery


Get your online prescription refill with PULSE RefillXpress. Our providers write prescription refills online for all non-controlled medications.

RefillXpress Fast Medication Refill Home Delivery

RefillXpress - Advanced Repeat Online Prescription. Faster, Better, home-delivery

E-Prescription And E-Dispensing On A Cross-Border Scale


If you are looking for any medications, email us at or have a chat with us on your preferred platform:









Purpose: To support the processes of prescription and dispensation through the electronic exchange of supporting data for PULSE Patients who are travelling and may not be able to come to the clinic to refill their medication in time.


  • RefillXpress e-Prescribing is defined as prescribing medicines through the support of our own software by a health care professional who is legally authorised to do so, so that the medicine can be dispensed at PULSE clinic and pharmacy;
  • RefillXpress e-Dispensing is defined as the act of electronically retrieving a prescription and reporting on giving out the medicine to the patient as indicated in the corresponding advanced repeat e-Prescription.

Once the medicine is dispensed, the dispenser - PULSE Clinic and Pharmacy, will report, via PULSE software, information about the dispensed medicine(s) to the prescription provider (PULSE Doctors and Clinic partners of PULSE).

Functional process flow: 
  • The patient visits PULSE CLINIC and gives consent to share his/her medical information in country A
  • PULSE Doctor prescribes medication with advanced repeat refill order.
  • The patient then travels abroad where s/he requires medication in another country with PULSE CLINIC
  • S/he uses E-DOC application or PULSE Online Portal for Patient (POPP) on PULSE Website to request and refill.
  • The patient asks for his/ her e-Prescription.
  • PULSE Clinic and Pharmacy received the request via the pharmacy’s computer in a secure way.
  • The requested medication is then dispensed to the patient


PULSE RefillXpress Short-Term Refills and Long-Term Refills

How can PULSE RefillXpress help with your Short-Term Refills?

  • Short-Term Refills means medication refill up to 3 months
  • Long-Term Refill means medication refill up to 12 months
  • When your medication refills are running low, it can sometimes be hard to get an appointment from your doctor in time especially when you are travelling.
  • PULSE RefillXpress can connect you with providers who can help provide the help you need to refill your regular medicines.
  • PULSE Doctors can provide advanced repeat online prescription.

What else do you need to know about PULSE RefillXpress?

  • We don't start patients on new medications through this service.
  • We don't refill controlled substances (Adderall, Xanax, Oxycodone, etc)
  • We can provide your medication refill but you have to make sure to follow up with your provider.
  • PULSE doctors are able to provide follow up via in-person visit and telemedicine.


If you are looking for any medications, email us at or have a chat with us on your preferred platform:








How RefillXpress Works

Start your PULSE visit and chat with a provider within minutes.

1. Start your visit

  • Online visit - Tell us about yourmedical history and your background with the medication you need refilled.
  • in-person visit at PULSE Clinics - 16 branches in 5 countries across Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, The Philippines.

2. Talk to or Chat a PULSE provider 

  • Talk to our doctor to discuss the best options for you, local doctor fee applies.

3. Get your prescription and dispensary

  • Receive your prescription home delivery by multi-options such as Grab, by mail or via same-day pickup at PULSE Clinic and Pharmacy branches near you. 


If you are looking for any medications, email us at or have a chat with us on your preferred platform:





