Testosterone Gels vs. Injections: Which one is best for you?


What are the differences between testosterone gels vs. injections? Which one should you get and why should you be on TRT? - TRT with PULSE Clinic

Testosterone Gels vs. Injections: Which one is best for you?

Testosterone Gels vs. Injections: Which one is best for you?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a way to treat low testosterone by bringing your testosterone level back to normal using medications. Many testosterone options give different benefits. You might be looking for treatment options and not sure what the pros and cons of each form of testosterone medication are.  This article will compare the most popular medicines for TRT: testosterone injections (Nebido or testosterone cypionate) and testosterone gels (Androgel).


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Common symptoms of low testosterone

Our body could produce less testosterone as we age. It is estimated that we lose 1% of our testosterone production every year after 30 years old. Some people have conditions where the body can produce less testosterone or cannot produce any testosterone at all. We might think low testosterone only happens to older men, but this could happen as early as the early 20s. This could come with changes in your body that could affect your well-being. Common symptoms that come with low testosterone are such as:

  • Have less sex drive (Low libido)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Poor sperm health (Lower count or infertility)
  • Depression or mood swings
  • Changes in cognitive functions
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Loss in muscle mass and increase in body fat

These symptoms might not be dangerous or life-threatening, but it is a common cause of mental health problems in men. Not only low testosterone could cause depression and mood changes. These symptoms, especially erectile dysfunction, also contribute to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and trouble maintaining sex life and relationships. If the symptoms are severe and interrupting your daily life, there is no reason you should keep this to yourself; there is a lot you can do to help treat your issues. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is one of the most common treatments given to men with low testosterone.


How do gels and injections work?

The key difference between testosterone gel and injection is the way your body absorbs it. Though this might sound like it doesn’t matter that much, the better the absorption, the more testosterone you will get from the medication. Poor absorption could result in not getting enough testosterone and not getting the expected results.

Testosterone injections deliver the medicine directly to your bloodstream when injected. This means testosterone injections can be absorbed into your system easier, and the dosage is more consistent as most of the medicine goes to your system directly. 

However, you might need to deal with needles and syringes at home when getting prescribed testosterone injections. Testosterone injections also usually come in vials so you need to be careful with the amount you use and the disposing of the needles. Injections could also cause soreness in the area of injections like other intramuscular injections.

The main benefits of testosterone injections like Nebido and testosterone cypionate are that they can get your testosterone to the normal level faster and take less time for application, but you have to deal with the pain from needles and soreness after each injection, which should slowly get better after a while. You might opt for injections if you want a faster and more convenient treatment. You should be aware that injections could get higher doses in your system faster, but this could lead to inconsistent levels of testosterone in the blood between each injection. 

Testosterone gel, on the other hand, is a gel that can be absorbed through your skin. Gels are easier to use, as you can just apply them to your skin and let the medication absorb. The downside of testosterone gels is that they can’t be absorbed as well as injections. There are a few factors that could affect the absorption of testosterone gels, like sweat washing off the medication from your skin. Testosterone gels also have the risk of being transferred when in contact with others. If you accidentally transferred the medication to your spouses, children, and pets, this might have some effects on their health. Washing off the gel too early might also result in you not getting enough medication. This means when applying testosterone gel, you might need to wait until it dries and avoid activities that make you sweat to get the full benefits from the medication. You also need to switch between areas of application, as contact with testosterone gel for a long time could irritate your skin.

Testosterone gel might take more time of your day to use but it should be easier to work with than injections. Gel application is also a painless way to get medication in your system. This could be a better option if you don’t want to deal with needles and don’t want to deal with painful treatment. Gels also offer a gradual absorption of testosterone, more similar to how natural testosterone works. This could help avoid testosterone fluctuation and give fewer side effects from the treatment. 

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Are there major differences between gels and injections?

Though there are some differences in absorption of the medication between gels and injections, there should not be that much difference between these two applications as long as it can get you to the normal testosterone level. Some people might not be able to use injections due to allergies or having trouble dealing with needles, so they have to opt for gels that are easier to use. The main differences between these two medications are mostly the applications. If you have concerns about the efficacy of the medicine you get prescribed, Please talk to our doctor about your concerns, as it would help with your treatment.

Gels might take longer to get you to the desired testosterone level compared to injections. If the gel application is working for you, there shouldn’t be any problem. What you should be mindful of are the side effects and any undesired changes in your body that could come with the medication. Talking to your doctor could help minimize any risks that could come with the medication, and your doctor can help adjust the dosage for you so you are more comfortable with the changes happening in your body.


Benefits of testosterone medications

The way TRT works is to help get you to the normal level of testosterone. This helps relieve the symptoms that come from low testosterone. The benefits of TRT are such as:

  • Elevated mood
  • Improvement in sperm health
  • Relief of ED symptoms
  • More energized, less tired
  • Higher libido

Not only TRT is a popular treatment for people with low testosterone. There are also some benefits you might get from being on TRT, such as:

  • More muscle gains
  • Less body fat
  • Improvement in heart health


Potential risks from testosterone medications

Though TRT might sound like it offers a lot of benefits, there are some risks you should be aware of before considering being on this medication. Oftentimes these medications would do more harm than benefits when used incorrectly. Potential risks that could come with TRT are:

  • Heart problem
  • Liver problems
  • Blood clots
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Shrinkage of testicles

Due to these potential risks. Some people with certain pre-existing health conditions might need to give extra care to those conditions. Some medications might need to be taken into consideration before starting TRT. You might need to be extra careful if you have:

  • Heart disease
  • Sleep apnea


Why isn’t there an oral route for testosterone like estrogen?

Testosterone pills exist, but it isn’t popular as it isn’t as effective as other forms. These medications could cause problems with the liver when used long-term. Oral routes for testosterone might not be as effective as other routes, as most of the medication would be broken down by the liver, resulting in ineffective treatment. Doctors then usually prescribe other forms of testosterone medications that are safer for long-term use. You also have to be aware that the symptoms of low testosterone could come back anytime you stop using the medication. This means if you want to keep the testosterone level normal, you might need to use these medications for life.


Blood work is important no matter which route you choose.

Despite the benefits and downsides of each form of testosterone medication, blood tests are still important while being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This is to make sure the medication is working for you and to make sure you aren’t having severe side effects that leave long-term damage to your body. Medications used in testosterone replacement therapy are known to be dangerous when not used correctly. It is beneficial for a lot of men when used correctly under a doctor’s care. We suggest you talk to your doctor about your needs so your doctor can give you the advice and prescription that suits you the best.

You might need to get a blood test to confirm that the symptoms you’re experiencing are from low testosterone. This is so you and your doctor can work together to take care of the root cause of your problems. Contact us for more information about getting tested and diagnosed for low testosterone and make an appointment today at PULSE Clinic near you.

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