Gooning describes a state that one might reach during an edging session. What does gooning mean? Here is how you can goon. Is gooning dangerous?
If you’re online lately (especially on the gay side of the internet), you might have seen the word ‘gooning’ all over the internet. A lot of people might not really understand what this word means. We will try to explain the goon-way-of-life for you as best as we can in this article!
Bator, short for masturbator, is a term used to refer to masturbation enthusiasts. There are numerous terms and techniques that have originated from this group within the queer sexual space, including words like 'goon,' 'gooning,' and 'gooner.' This term is derived from slang that means a stupid or foolish person. Gooning then means chronically jerking off and thinking of nothing else like a stupid person.
'Gooning' describes a state that one might reach during an edging session. You may have heard 'gooning' and 'edging' mentioned together in the same conversation, but they aren’t the same. While both are bator terms, they are used in different contexts and describe different experiences. Gooning can be achieved through edging, but not all edging will lead to gooning.
Some describe gooning as a kink. Generally, gooning refers to a state of mind where one is mentally consumed by the pleasure of masturbating. This is typically achieved by edging for an extended period, sometimes with the use of poppers. Gooning induces a sexual trance that causes your mind to go blank, allowing all thoughts and worries to melt away, leaving only the sensation of pleasure from your penis.
Gooning is a state of a person in which they masturbate until their minds go blank and are taken over by the pleasure of their penises. This usually is done by prolonging an edging session until the pleasure of jerking off becomes too intense. Goon state is like being in a trance which makes one can’t think of anything but masturbating. By stopping and starting the sexual stimulation on a loop, some people will feel an intense sense of pleasure when they keep the edge going. Gooning can also lead to an intense orgasm once the gooner decides to release. This makes a lot of people enjoy gooning, as it is an extreme form of edging in which you let your pleasure take control over your thoughts. Prolonged edge from gooning also usually leads to intense ejaculation.
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Gooning could be a form of response derived from a sex-negative idea that sees porn and masturbation as harmful activity. As there was a myth that watching porn has a negative impact on how the brain works. The act of gooning is a play on this idea but twists it to be sexual and play on their fetish. Some gooners believe porn and masturbation is harmful to their brains, but they found the idea of their brain melting away by watching porn and masturbating hot.
There are many reasons why people enjoy gooning. Some might simply enjoy the sensation of prolonged edging, while others engage in the kink as a form of stress relief, as gooning involves elements of control and humiliation. Life can be difficult, with many things outside our control, so some people gravitate toward sexual kinks that allow them to control someone else's pleasure or let someone else control theirs. If you enjoy gooning, you're likely the only one who can truly answer why.
This can also be seen as a liberating act, as some gooners are vocal about their bodies and feelings while they goon. Gooning sometimes involves sexual expressions in which the gooners describe their feelings and go along with the feelings of pleasure, taking control of their brain.
Some gooners also find it meditative.
Gooning is a way for gooners to empty their brain and escape from thoughts about work, life, and other things in the world. Just a man with his penis and nothing else in this world as they goon. This can help reduce anxiety and release stress. However, it is suggested that you should be mindful about how you goon if you want this therapeutic effect, as too much gooning can also be a sign of self-destructive behavior.
Moderation is key. Gooning is sometimes associated with porn and masturbation addiction. This masturbation kink requires some effort and time spent jerking off and watching porn. However, gooning isn’t necessarily the thing that caused the addiction, but more like a possible sign of addiction. You can be a gooner without having a porn addiction. If you notice that you have these symptoms, it might be signs of addiction:
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