Condom Broke In Penang - Malaysia, get emergency PEP


Condom broke clinic in Penang, Malaysia. What are the risks? Anonymous HIV testing and treatment in George Town.

Condom Broke In Penang - Malaysia, get emergency PEP

HIV Prevention | Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (Emergency PEP)

Condom Broke in Penang, Malaysia

Dr.Deyn Natthakhet Yaemim, written on 28 Janruary 2019. Last reviewed 3 May 2022


My Condom Broke in Penang, George Town! What do I do?!

Condoms broke or slip can occur occasionally. When faced with this situation, it's important to remain calm and think rationally to make informed decisions. Don't panic! Instead, continue reading our guide for guidance.

Don't panic !!! and keep reading our guide!!!


How Did My Condom Break?!

Condoms can tear due to various factors such as expiration, improper storage (e.g., exposure to heat), poor quality, vigorous or prolonged sexual activity, inadequate lubrication, damage during opening, double-layering, or reuse.


How Do I Clean Myself?!

In the event of such mishaps, it's crucial not to panic. For men, gently cleanse the genital area with warm water. For women, avoid using harsh substances or detergents to cleanse or flush the vagina, as these can cause harm. Seek immediate medical advice and treatment from our clinic.


What Do I Have To Worry About First?!

  1. HIV
    Stay composed and discuss with your partner their HIV risk factors, such as intravenous drug use, multiple sexual partners, or engaging the services of sex workers. Women face a higher HIV risk post-ejaculation if the condom ruptures. If at high risk, seek see us within 72 hours for HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) at our clinic, preferably within the first 24 hours because this will significantly reduce your risk of getting HIV.

  2. STDs
    The probability of either party getting STDs is high after the condom broke. Most people with some STDs do not show symptoms, and your partner (or even yourself) may not be aware of them. This is why both should see your doctor and be screened for STDs such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis.

    "Doxy PEP" refers to using doxycycline as part of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. It's prescribed after potential exposure to reduce infection risk. PEP should ideally start within 72 hours. Healthcare providers determine the regimen based on individual circumstances. Seeking prompt medical advice is crucial for proper assessment and treatment.

  3. Pregnancy
    The best thing you can do within the first 48 hours is to see a doctor and get morning after pills. These are most effective if taken within 48 hours.
    *For women: DO NOT douche immediately after a condom break. This can drive sperm and bacteria deeper into your vagina.


How Do You Prevent Condom Breaks?

  • DO use water based lubricants such as KY jelly.
  • DO use proper sized condoms.
  • DO hold onto the condom when withdrawing.
  • DO store condoms in a cool dry place.
  • DO NOT reuse a condom.
  • DO NOT open the condom package with your teeth, keys, or any sharp object.
  • DO NOT unroll the condom before putting it on.
  • DO NOT wear 2 condoms at once. Friction can cause breakage.
  • DO NOT use oil based lubricants such as Vaseline. This can weaken the latex.
  • DO NOT use expired condoms.


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