A self-lubricating bottom refers to natural lubrication during anal play, reducing the need for external lubricants and enhancing comfort.
Ever since I learned first we learned to use a lot of lube, but sometimes some active fister or even some tops we know that every bottom is self-lubricated, and after penetrating them for a while, the ass normally produces ASS JUICE.
It's true. I recall my memory from my pre-clinical year in med school when we studied gastrointestinal tract anatomy and its function. One of the things I remember very well is a large number of cells called Goblet Cells that line the surface of the first layer (mucosa) of the intestine and there are a lot of them. So I am telling you our rectum does produce a lubricative film along the anal wall to move feces through the rectum.
You can go back to read about the anatomy and the function of goblet cells.
Anorectal cells innately produce some mucus that can be thought of as having an element of lubrication, at the distal junction of the anus, two differing cell types meet and form a seam. At this location, there are glands that secrete mucus. Any high-pressure action, any assistance to decrease and disperse the force is essential to function.
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Normally, when the rectum is distended by the presence of feces anal lubricant are released from the Goblet Cells. The rectum is also distended by the presence of a penis during anal intercourse, which may cause increased production of this natural lubricant, albeit not designed for intercourse. That is, your body feels sensations that communicates we might need to poop and gets prepared to do that. Not only a penis, a sex toy and the hand would also cause mucus to be released from the Goblet Cells.
When these gland produce excessive amounts of fluid, they can get clogged, leading to anal abscesses (a collection of puss near the anus) and localized infections. These infections are becoming more common among gay men, since douching prior to anal intercourse is very common, however douching causes irritation. “Douching with water (tap or bottled) or with enemas can lead to cellular irritation, destruction, and then elevated mucosal lubrication. Saline laxative enemas—tend to cause more mucus production as the irritation is greater.
Not only that douching can cause excessvie self-lubricant and clogging which is the risk of infections. There are definitely people who say they can or actually do secrete more excrement but that can also be a sign or symptom of an STIs.
Some people like to feel that they are self-lubricate, that they have a lot of ASS JUICE, has been called the ‘anal cumming’ for a reason. It can induce "blooming", or its later stages of overt rectal prolapse. People love it, but again, it’s the stress in the area that leads to these initial benefits, yet eventual complications.
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Some people think using saliva is enough, and after fucking for a while the ASS JUICE will come out making the whole hole wet and sloppy but using spit/saliva alone really increases the potential risk of injury; rectal tear, anal fissures which increasethe possibilities of STDs. The increased pressures from fucking/fisting can also lead to the formation of dilated veins (i.e. hemorrhoids), and a possible result of either or both of these is a higher incidence of contracting STD’s. Because saliva itself does not provide the appropriate lubricity to decrease friction during anal sex. The way to minimize any complication from anal sex is to use appropriate lubricants.
Avoid trendy lubricants such as
Eventhough we can produce mucus to be natural lubricant, it can cause potential long-term health issues and can come with significant cost.
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