HOW TO USE APRETUDE - The New Injectable PrEP - Say Goodbye to HIV and stigma


HOW TO USE APRETUDE - The New Injectable PrEP - Say Goodbye to HIV and stigma

HOW TO USE APRETUDE - The New Injectable PrEP - Say Goodbye to HIV and stigma

APRETUDE is a Game-Changer

APRETUDE is revolutionizing HIV prevention. Its longer-lasting protection and reduced dosing frequency make it a standout choice. With APRETUDE, the hassle of daily pills is eliminated, adherence rates are improved, and overall user satisfaction is enhanced.


How to Get Started with APRETUDE

Are you interested in APRETUDE? You can start by consulting with your healthcare provider to determine eligibility. The initial consultation will include a health assessment and the first injection. Follow-up care ensures ongoing protection and health monitoring.


Dosing schedule

Based on individual needs, doctors may begin treatment with daily 30mg tablets of cabotegravir for a month before transitioning to the injectable form of Apretude to assess tolerance. Alternatively, the doctor may decide to start directly with the Apretude injection, bypassing the need for oral pills.

Initially, patients are given Apretude once every month for the first two months, after which it is administered bi-monthly. Consult your physician today to discuss whether Apretude is the right choice.

How to use Apretude 1 How to use Apretude 2
Month 11 inj starter dose 1Month 1Daily starter pills (30 days) 
Month 21 inj starter dose 2Month 21 inj (day 30 or within 3 days)
Month 3-Month 3-
Month 41 inj Month 41 inj
Month 5-Month 5-
Month 61 inj Month 61 inj 
Month 7-Month 7-
Month 81 injMonth 81 inj 
Month 9-Month 9-
Month 101 inj Month 101 inj 
Month 11- Month 11-
Month 121 inj Month 121 inj 


How to use Apretude when you party in Asia How to use Apretude 2
JAN 1 inj starter dose 1Month 1Daily starter pills (30 days) 
FEB 1 inj starter dose 2Month 21 inj (day 30 or within 3 days)
MAR -Month 3-
APRSongkran gCircuit BKK1 inj Month 41 inj
MAY -Month 5-
JUNPattaya Circuit1 inj Month 61 inj 
JUL  Month 7-
AUGWhite Party Vietnam 1 injMonth 81 inj 
SEP -Month 9-
OCTTaipei Pride1 inj Month 101 inj 
NOV - Month 11-
White Party BKK
1 inj Month 121 inj 


APRETUDE for Different Communities


APRETUDE caters to the unique health needs of women, offering them a reliable and hassle-free option to stay protected from HIV.


For men, APRETUDE eliminates the daily pill burden, providing consistent protection without the need for daily reminders.

Gay Men

APRETUDE is particularly beneficial for gay men, as it enhances adherence and offers a discreet method of prevention.

Transgender Individuals

Transgender individuals often face unique healthcare challenges. APRETUDE supports transgender health by providing an effective and convenient option for HIV prevention.


How much does Apretude cost?

In Thailand, VIIV Healthcare has set the price for Apretude, the new injectable PrEP, at 19500THB/dose/2 month.


Is Apretude covered by insurance companies?

VIIV Healthcare, the manufacturer of Apretude, is currently in negotiations with private insurance companies to establish pricing for Apretude, aiming to secure comprehensive coverage for this medication. However, this process may extend over a period of up to one year.


Can I fly to Thailand to get Apretude as a foreigner?

Yes, definitely. PULSE CLINIC has 11 branches in Thailand consisting of 5 branches in Bangkok, 2 branches in Pattaya, 2 branches on Phuket Islandd, 1 branch on Samui island and 1 branch in Chiang Mai. You can enjoy your weekend or holiday, doesnt matter if you want to party and play, PULSE CLINICs open everyday and prescribe PrEP to everyone who has prescription or lab test result from the last 3 months.


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Benefits of Injectable PrEP

Apretude (cabotegravir) offers several benefits as a long-acting HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) option:

  1. High Efficacy: Clinical trials have shown that Apretude significantly reduces the risk of HIV-1 acquisition compared to daily oral PrEP. In real-world studies, it has demonstrated more than 99% effectiveness.
  2. Convenience: Unlike daily oral PrEP, Apretude is administered as an injection every two months, eliminating the need for daily adherence.
  3. Improved Adherence: The long-acting nature of Apretude helps improve adherence to HIV prevention, as it removes the burden of daily pill-taking.
  4. Reduction in Stigma and Anxiety: Real-world studies have shown that Apretude reduces stigma and anxiety associated with daily oral PrEP, contributing to better mental health and quality of life.
  5. Diverse Population: Clinical trials have included a diverse range of participants, including cisgender men, transgender women, and cisgender women, showing its broad applicability.
  6. Long-Lasting Protection: Each injection provides two months of continuous protection, offering a reliable and sustained prevention method.

These benefits make Apretude a promising option for HIV prevention, especially for individuals who may find it challenging to adhere to daily medication regimens.

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