What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday. Dr.Deyn


PULSE Fun Stuff |Sex Talk with Dr.Deyn


Hi! This is Dr.Deyn, the founder of PULSE CLINIC "Happz Healthy Horny", "Sexual Health Matters", "Here to help, not to judge". It's been a while since I last wrote an article for SEXTALK. I am back again and sharing information with you from Paris, FRANCE. Yesterday I met with a few babyboomer "tops" they have so many fantasies and they applied it in their real sex life. They have a secret desire to have their ass played with (we will talk about that later) but they are too conservative to talk about it or express it. I was asked some questions during and after sex. And I thought, if I shared the knowledge with them, why shouldn't I share it with the rest of you? Everybody knows our asshole provides us with so many options for pleasure (why else do you think there are so many bottoms?) What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use every day but some people never even seen it! I also write this BOTTOM CARE because I was inspired by the conversation I had with my beloved friend Stefan, the British/Greek curly haired half of @nomadicboys who write useful things on their website.



What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday.

I am a top, do I have to check my hole?

Let's nt be judgy about our ass holes. It doesn't matter how we identify and take pride of ourselves, what matters is we tke the best care of our body. Health problems happen to everyone, it doesn't discriminate or care if you are old or young, top or bottom. If the universe doesn't care then why should you? Here are conditions
Yes, some conditions happen more to bottoms becaue it is related to us making use of it.

  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal Itching
    Anal itching can cause by infections and non-infection causes.
  • Anal Abscess
  • Anorectal Fistula
  • Colorectal Cancer
    Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, accounting for approximately 10% of all cancer cases and is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.
    It predominantly affects older individuals aged 50 and above. Several lifestyle factors contribute to the development of colorectal cancer such as a high intake of processed meats and low intake of fruits and vegetables, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
    Certain infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, can cause cancer or increase the risk that cancer will form. Researchers are homing in on a new connection between colon cancer and the infectious bacteria known as Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff.21.03.2023 The viruses such as Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Human papillomaviruses (HPV16 & HPV18), and John Cunningham virus (JCV) are known to cause colorectal cancer.CSBJ Journal 2022
  • Fecal Incontinence
  • Hemorrhoids or Piles
  • Rectal Prolapse

No matter if we're anal curious tops, bottom-shaming judgy tops or slutty bottoms. We might not use our ass for fucking but we are using it everydaz to poopoo. So yes, the answer is everyone should get their holes checked by experienced and open-minded doctors like Moi!


When do I have to check my hole?

  1. When you feel or noticed something wrong or going on down there or in there.
  2. If you are one of those who use your hole for pleasure, having it checked every three months is ideal.
    You don't have to be shy for doing the right thing by taking care of yourself and your health. The doctors and medical providers shoud be ashamed if they're not offering the right attitude towards anal care if you are there for it. Always remember Prevention is better than treatment. So it is good idea to have your hole checked every 3 months if you use it. If you do not want proctoscopy which can give us some information about how it looks by human doctor raw eyes whichwe can see lesions such as infections like HPV wart, syphilis and so on, fissure, hemorrhoids, polyp and pre'cancerious lesions. The other option is asking for anal swab and rectal swab and do PCR test to detect DNA of infectious agents. At PULSE CLINIC Thailand we can check for DNA of 28 infections in one go and you get online results on the same day.
  3. If you are not one of those who use your hole for pleasure. Check it once a year. You can ask for
    1. Medical Examination Proctoscopy
    2. Ano-Rectal swab PCR28 infections
      This will detect even asymptomatic infections from bacteria, viruses, protozoa such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, the up and coming rising ureaplasma and mycoplasma bacteria, herpes simplex type I and II, bacterial vaginosis (ever wonder why gay people or even a top or someone's husband have vaginal bacteria in their ass hole?) among others. 
    3. Digital Recta Examination 
      Beside to look for enlarged prostate gland (Benign Prostate Enlargement - BPH) and abnormal growth of prostate, Prostate cancer in men DRE can also detet an abnormal mass in the anus or rectum. Abnormalities in the bladder and rectum (growths, polyps and abscesses) Causes of rectal or vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain
    4. Blood Test for Various Cancer Screening.
      With 2ml of your blood, we can look for Prostate Specific Antigens 
      (PSA) which could detects probles such as prastate enlargement, acute or chronic prostatitis (infections and non'infections) as well as to screen for prostate cancer, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen (CA19-9) which is the most common tumor marker for colorectal cancer. CA125 which is also another tumor marker that can also be detected in the tissue of gastrointestinal cancers, including stomach and colon cancer.
    5. HPV Vaccine to prevent HPV-related cancers such as anorectal and colorectal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, penile cancer. With only one course (3 shots) of HPV vaccine in today, next 2 months and the next 6 months, HPV vaccine will protect you from cancerous HPV (HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)
  4. When you are 50 year old and above, you should do colorectal cancer screening by putting a camera in your ass (it feels WOW LOL but it's even more WOW when you see the video on the screen of a journey into your deep dark hole. Don't you find it exciting and thrilling to explore and know the new world that you've never seen or known before and it's been with you all your life). If I were your ass hole and rectum I would be so sad that I am with you for at least 50 years but you never get to know me and take care of me but I take care of you and make you hapy every single day! Imagine this, how many days can you happily go without passing stool from your hole? Are you going to be happy if you have to pass stool from your belly instead of your ass hole? That's what I'm saying.



The idea that consuming even a tiny amount of fecal matter will inevitably make you sick is a myth. As long as the person whose ass you are eating does not have any gastrointestinal infections, there is little or no risk. Sometimes people even deliberately consume fecal matter from others, in order to rebalance their own gut flora. It’s called a fecal microbiota transplant. In general, putting small amounts of non-pathogenic bacteria from the colon back into the stomach is harmless.

Of course, if the person whose ass you are eating has an intestinal parasite or a bacterial or viral infections of the gut, you can certainly catch it from them. If we talk about what are possible infections from eating ass, eating ass can carry potential health risks due to the transmission of bacteria and parasites. Eating ass can lead to various infections and diseases, including HPV and throat cancer, so it's important to clean and use protection such as HPV vaccine. But if that person is somebody you are sleeping with, showering with, sharing food with, etc. then you are likely to pick those up anyway through other forms of contact, so ass-eating is not really that much of a worry. 

Of course, most people clean themselves pretty well, especially if they know that they are going to be having sex or having their ass eaten.


What can I get from EATING ASS?


  1. PLEASURE! Obviously! LOL
    What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday.
  2. Healthier immune system(US Santa Barbarra)
    Study Finds Eating Ass Boosts Your Immune System. This study was conducted by comparing ass eaters to a control group of squares. From their work, researchers found that ass-eaters were 33 percent less likely to catch airborne illnesses, such as the common cold and influenza.


  1. Viral infections that one can get from eating ass
    • Human papilloma Virus (HPV) which causes HPV Wart, throat cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer.
    • Hepatitis A virus which
  2. Bacterial Infections
    • Gonorrhea
    • Chlamydia
    • Syphilis
    • E. Coli
    • Shigella
  3. Protozoal Infections
    • Entamoeba histolytica
    • Giardia lamblia

Quote of the day Sex Talk with Dr.Deyn
My name is Dr.Deyn, I am the biggest fan of ass.
And I love eating ass. I am not so worried about eating ass.
I got vaccinated agaist HPV and I get my mouth and throat
checked for 53 infections at PULSE CLINIC Thailand.
That makes me a safe and proud ass eater.


Can Kegel Excercise keep your hole fit?

Kegel exercises help keep your pelvic floor muscles “fit.” Much like you may strengthen other muscles in your body by lifting weights, doing Kegels is a way to keep your pelvic floor muscles strong. If you do Kegel exercises regularly, you can expect results — such as less frequent urine leakage — within about a few weeks to a few months. For continued benefits, make Kegel exercises a permanent part of your daily routine.

It is recommended to complete a set of 10 reps before you get out of bed in the morning and before each meal during the day. Repeat daily. Like other exercises, the results from Kegels are better the more often you do them. Aim to do four sets of 10 reps for a total of 40 Kegels per day. But you know what I do Kegel excercise 200 times each set and I often do 3 sets in a day.

Kegel exercise for men and premature ejaculation
Strong pelvic floor muscles can help you delay ejaculation; one study has shown that it can more than double your time to ejaculation. The muscles you need to learn to activate are the same ones that you use to stop your urine midflow.


How to take care of my hole?

What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday.


How to take care of my hole after wild weekend?

What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday.

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Bottom Care - PULSE got you covered

What do we want to know about our HOLES and why does it matter to know about our HOLES, the organ we use everyday but don't see it everyday.

Triamcinolone Cream

This steroid cream will help holes heal! it has property to reduce inflamation.

Mucilin Powder

Because fiber is what everybody needs
This steroid cream will help holes heal! it has property to reduce inflamation.

Numbing cream - Lidocaine Jelly 1% is more than enough

Yes, I know that as a medical doctor, I shouldn't be suggesting that we do it. But in reality, sometimes we have to. Lidocaine jel is anesthesia or numbing cream. Sometmes you really have that kind of guy who didn't send you dick pic when you chat with him on Scruff but when he arrives at your door and you take his pants off, OH LA LA it is massive that is he fucks your throat you will cry the tear of joy because he reaches your heart through your oral cavity. And sometimes you have hemorrhiods which is fucking painful.
But be careful don't use too much and make sure it dry before you have that XXL dick in your ass because if it is still wet and it covers his dick, it will numb his dick too and he would wonder whz he doesn't feel your hole LOL.
Ad caution number 2, be careful when he licks your ass, he might feel numb in his tongue LOL