It’s great to celebrate the good life and to share this feeling with party-people around you. Even though partying is great, it is not without risks.
Almost nothing is better than partying with your friends, being one with the music, being part of an amazing crowd, dancing till your feet don’t want anymore and flirting with the most beautiful people. It’s great to celebrate the good life and to share this feeling with party-people around you.
Even though partying is great, it is not without risks. Therefore it’s good to know what these risks are, from blisters and ear damage to the use of alcohol and drugs. Keep in mind that hard drugs are still illegal.
We want to make you, our visitors, more aware of the risks that can take place while partying. Celebrate Safe is a platform that provides tips and reliable information about conscious and safe partying.
Using alcohol and other drugs is never without risks
You have the freedom to enjoy, but be kind to yourself and your body.
Be cautious and smart about the substances that you take. Keep track of how much you take and how it affects you, may it be alcohol or drugs.
The use of alcohol and drugs is never fully without risks and every substance works differently. The risk lies in what you take, where you take it, how much you take and how your body reacts to this. One person might be tipsy after three beers, while the other after ten. This is why you should know what you are taking and pace yourself. Don’t believe everything you see or hear, instead look for information on your own. Relaxing and having fun is great, but do it consciously. The best nights are those when you feel your best, this is also possible without drugs and alcohol.
And, let’s not forget that hard drugs –even if it doesn’t seem like that in our community- are still illegal and most events have a zero tolerance policy.
Protect your ears
A party without music is like soda without pop. Because you want to enjoy the music as long as possible, it is important to be careful with your ears. Here a three tips to prevent hearing loss:
Listen as safely as possible; find a place where you can enjoy the party but still have enough distance from the speakers. Standing too close to the speakers can damage your hearing.
Wear earplugs! When sound levels are higher than 80dB’s it is wise to use earplugs. Like this, you can still hear the music well, you can communicate easily with your friends and you protect your ears.
Let your ears rest for a while. Look for a quiet place to give your ears a ‘pause’. When you do this, your ears will recuperate and you will be able to enjoy the music for a longer time.
Think about yourself, care about others
At a good event, together you are one. The public creates the vibe and you share a unique experience together. Therefore, look out for both your friends and other party goers so everyone can enjoy the party.
Don’t leave your friends alone, especially if you know that they have used something. It is always handy to agree upon a meeting point, may you lose each other.
Did you use something? Be honest about it. Don’t try to convince others to do it with you and don’t let others pressure you into using something you don’t want to use. It would be a shame if that would ruin your party. Listen to your intuition!
There is always a First Aid stand at an event and you can visit them for everything, even if it’s for a blister or a Band-Aid. Remember to always be nice to those helping you and ALWAYS be honest about what you have used. They are there to help you.
And don’t forget that if you party together, you stay together. Be clear about who the designated driver is!
Pace yourself: sleep, eat, rave
You are not a robot. Regardless of how long you would want to party, it’s not going to happen. Allow yourself to refuel. If you’re enjoying yourself you will obviously not want the party to stop, but sleeping is important and necessary. So, do not forget to catch up on those sleepless hours to get ready for the next party. Treat yourself to a good and powerful breakfast, you have earned it after a night of partying.
During an event your body loses a lot of water. Drinking enough water is extremely important. BUT drinking too much water can be dangerous for your body. It is recommended not to drink more than 2 glasses or 1 bottle of water an hour. Take a break from dancing and eat every now and then, this way you will keep a high energy level. The bonus: you can party for longer.
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Know your limit and don't push your limit
Look out for yourself. Think about what you want to do, at what time you would like to be there, how you will get home, if you want to bring something or not, and discuss it with your friends.
For alcohol and drugs: ‘less is more’. It is better not to have taken enough than too much. That one too much can cause you to not feel well and to ruin the party, that would be a pity. Also, be aware that when you have taken too much, most of the time, the day/night is also ruined for the people you go out with.
Party, live, dance, go wild, but within the limits that your body can handle and where you feel good.
Don't "Drink+Drugs+Drive"
A few sad numbers: in the Netherlands each year there are give or take 250 traffic deaths and 3400 serious injuries due to alcohol. Every year 80 people die in traffic because of drug use. Especially youngsters, heavy drinkers and people who use a combination of alcohol and drugs have a bigger chance to get hurt in traffic then people who don’t.
If you drank alcohol or have taken any drugs, you underestimate yourself in your driving skills. But you should realize that you are a danger to yourself and to other road users. That’s why we advise: don’t do it. Driving under influence is a felony and you could lose your license over it.
But there’s another danger for drivers that is underestimated: exhaustion. If you are exhausted after going to the club, there is only one thing that will help: sleeping. Energy drinks or other stimulating substances don’t help you to stay awake.
So be sure you have safe transportation to get home. Don’t get in the car with someone who isn’t sober. Get a taxi, get a hotel room, get your pregnant friend to pick you up or better yet: take public transport or arrange your trip with event travel. Plan your way home in advance! If you decide to take the car anyway, make good arrangements with your friends about who’s the designated driver and keep that person to this arrangement. Don’t distract him while driving and keep your hands above the seatbelt so you guys get home safely.
Always have safe sex (sex on PrEP is safe too, U=U is safe too)
Partying is, besides dancing, also flirting. And the more drunk you get, the prettier the people become too. So the chance that you succeed in finding the love of your life – or just for one night – and take them home or to your hotel room is very big. You want to make sure you did not receive any unwanted souvenir from the party so you want to visit friendly sexual health clinic just like PULSE clinic after every party. This should be your culture. You prepare yourself for party, you get tested, get PrEP or you have been undetectable on treatment. And you also want to make sure after that. There is no shame on coming to PULSE clinic to make sure everything is perfect.
Of course it’s your plan to dance and party all night long, but sometimes your body needs to cool down. Especially in a place where it’s hot and moist, your body can’t lose its own heat and moisture, so you may get overheated. Make sure you take a moment to chill every once in a while. Chill, the word itself says it all: cool down and stop dancing. It is the best way to prevent your body to become overheated. It’s even better than drinking water. Go to a cooler place, like the chill out – or during an outdoor festival: a spot in the shades – where you can relax, cool down and recharge for the remainder of the night. If you don’t feel well don’t keep on dancing but look for a quiet place out of the crowd or visit the First Aid Team for advice. Of you take the time to chill every once in a while, your night will last a lot longer.
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