How to Delay Climax - The Kegel Exercises: Step By Step Guide (With Images)


Every guy wants to perform well between the sheets—and the start-stop technique just might help you to do just that if you’re looking to last longer.

How to Delay Climax - The Kegel Exercises: Step By Step Guide (With Images)


A lot of people think Kegel exercises are only for women, but they’re wrong.

While it’s true that Kegel exercises were originally developed to help women dealing with bladder control issues following childbirth, researchers have discovered that these exercises can accomplish far more than this and are potentially useful for people of all genders.

These exercises are named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist who was successful in finding a non-surgical solution to problems stemming from weak pelvic floor muscles. Over time, another new and exciting benefit of these exercises emerged: they can improve orgasms and sexual satisfaction in women.

Later, we found that they can boost men’s sexual performance, too.

Men today are increasingly using Kegel exercises to help them address a wide range of sexual health concerns.

In this article, we will discuss how Kegel exercises can help men with premature ejaculation, and how you can perform these exercises safely and efficiently.


Basics for Kegels: Start By Locating Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

The goal of Kegel exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. These are the muscles that surround and support the organs in your pelvis.

When people refer to the pelvic floor muscles, they are actually talking about several different muscles, including the pubococcygeus,  puborectalis, and iliococcygeus. Talk about a tongue twister! Together, these three muscles are referred to as the Levator Ani and they create the bulk of the pelvic floor.

Check out the graph just below to see exactly what we are talking about.


As you can see, there are four different phases that men usually go through during a sexual encounter.  

  1. Rising level of stimulation (excitement),
  2. Sustained levels of sexual excitement (plateau)
  3. Orgasm 
  4. And, finally, a relaxation period (resolution)

Now, take a look at this second chart, which shows what men with premature ejaculation experience during sex.

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The pelvic floor muscles extend across the bottom of the pelvis and combine with various ligaments and tendons to form a hammock-like structure that supports the bladder and bowels. 

Fortunately, it is easy to identify the sensation of flexing your pelvic muscles.

Try identifying them the next time you need to urinate.

Because your pelvic floor muscles support your bladder, they are actually the muscles you use to stop peeing midstream.

When you try to stop the stream, the area where you feel the strain is where your pelvic muscles are located. Start and stop peeing a few times to get comfortable with how to contract these muscles.

If you do this a few times, you may actually find that your pelvic floor muscles are a little sore.

Congratulations! You just performed your first Kegel-style exercise.

Another way to find these muscles is to imagine that you’re trying to hold in some gas.

By squeezing the anal sphincter (not your butt cheeks), you’re also working the pelvic floor.

At this point, you are ready to learn how to use Kegels to assist with premature ejaculation. There are two different types of Kegel exercises:  slow Kegels and fast Kegels.


HOW TO? A Kegel Workout Routine For Premature Ejaculation

The Slow Kegel Exercise

  1. Squeeze all your pelvic floor muscles slowly using the techniques described above. Hold for a slow count of five.  

    You may have the urge to hold your breath as you squeeze, but remember to breathe normally, just like when you do other kinds of exercises.

  2. Once you reach a count of five, relax slowly. 

    The key to this form of Kegels is a slow, intentional squeezing and releasing of the muscles.

  3. When your muscles are completely relaxed, start to squeeze again slowly. Maintain this pattern of squeezing and relaxing for a total of 10 cycles. At the start, this may be difficult.

  4. Feel free to stop when you are exhausted and work your way up to completing ten cycles. At the same time, after some practice, you may want to increase the amount of time you hold the squeezing part of the cycle.

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The Fast Kegel Exercise

  1. In this version of the Kegel exercise, you squeeze the same muscles but only hold them for a second before relaxing all your muscles at once.

  2. Repeat this process a total of ten times. Make sure you are breathing normally for the entire workout.
  3. Again, when you are first getting used to doing Kegels, you may find ten fast Kegel exercises to be too challenging. 

    In this case, just do as many as you can. Over time, feel free to increase the number of repetitions as your strength improves. 

Many guys find that doing ten fast Kegels followed by ten slow Kegel is the right amount for one session.

Try to do three sessions of Kegels each day, or at least a few times per week. Some guys may find that they don’t need to do them as often in order to experience benefits—figure out what’s right for your body.

For convenience and to make them a habit, try doing your Kegels in the morning, before bed, and one other time during the day (such as over your lunch break). The more you do your Kegels in the beginning, the faster you will see results.

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Do Kegel Exercises Really Work For Premature Ejaculation?

The short answer is yes—they most certainly can, if performed correctly and consistently.

Several scientific studies have found that Kegels can be an excellent self-help solution for guys who want to last longer in bed.

For example, in one widely publicized study testing the effectiveness of Kegels on premature ejaculation, 82.5% of the men who took part saw an increase in sexual stamina.

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Another study that included a more extensive and diverse pool of test subjects, the overall success rate was a little lower; however, it still demonstrated the effectiveness of these exercises.

Specifically, 54% of men saw improvement overall, but this number jumped to 65% for men aged 35 and younger. 

 Although research shows that Kegels can and do work, it is important to note that this treatment requires time, practice, and patience.

Think of it like going to the gym for your sexual health needs: you need to go regularly in order to experience and maintain the benefits.


Benefits Of Kegels For Men’s Sexual Health

Kegel exercises can help with a variety of male sexual health issues. The sexual benefits include lasting longer in bed, harder and firmer erections, the ability to have an orgasm without ejaculating (useful for guys who want to learn how to have multiple orgasms), and more intense orgasms. In addition to treating PE, research has also found that Kegels can potentially help men with erectile dysfunction.

Lasting Longer In Bed 

Even if you technically don't meet the clinical criteria for PE, Kegel exercises can still be helpful for improving your sexual stamina.

Research finds that the average healthy man lasts around 5.5 minutes during vaginal penetration.

However, you can extend this length of time by working on your Kegels.

The average healthy women can take up to about 15 minutes in order to reach climax. The fact that women tend to take longer to reach orgasm than men is something that contributes to what has been dubbed  “the Orgasm Gap”.

Harder, Firm Erections

Soft erections can be caused by both reduced blood flow to the penis as well as weak pelvic floor musculature.

Like any form of exercise, Kegels can help to improve blood flow and circulation to the area being exercised.

Stronger pelvic floor muscles can, therefore, help your penis to engorge more fully during erection, thereby making it feel harder and look bigger.

Have Orgasms Without Ejaculating

It’s well known that many women seem to be capable of having multiple orgasms.

However, what many don’t realize is that men can potentially have multiple orgasms, too.

For example, a 2016 study found that between 7 and 10 percent of men report having had more than one orgasm.

One of the most common ways men have been able to achieve this sexual feat is through practicing reaching orgasms without ejaculating.

In order to do this, however, you generally need to build strong pelvic floor muscles. 

Experience More Powerful Orgasm

The pelvic floor muscles you exercise through Kegels are the same ones that contract when you are having an orgasm.

The stronger these muscles become, the more intense the feelings of pleasure will be when you reach climax.

This is yet another reason to practice your Kegels regularly. 

Urinary And Fecal Incontinence

This is a topic that no one likes to bring up, but as we age, some of us experience urinary and/or anal leakage.

Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can help prevent and resolve these problems.

Practicing Kegels can also help reduce an urgent need to empty the bladder, something that keeps many older men up at night..

Prostate Problems 

As men age, many find themselves with enlarged prostates, which can produce several negative symptoms, such as difficulty starting urination or a weak, slow stream.

Regular Kegel exercises can potentially help to reduce some of these symptoms. 

Kegels Vs Other Methods Of Treating Premature Ejaculation

Of course, Kegel exercises are not the only way to help with premature ejaculation.

Other methods include using thicker condoms (to reduce penile sensitivity), desensitizing sprays or numb cream and other self-help exercises, such as the stop-start method and the squeeze technique.

Comparing Kegels to alternative treatments such as desensitizing sprays, it is important to realize that Kegels won't get you instant results, whereas a desensitizing spray works immediately.

To see the results from Kegels, you need to put in the work. For this reason, combining Kegels with other treatment approaches (like desensitizing sprays) may be a great option.

This will allow you to experience some stamina benefits right away, while also unlocking all of the additional benefits of Kegels, like more intense orgasms and firmer erections.

Kegels Vs The Start-Stop Method

The start-stop method, sometimes known as "edging," is another popular alternative to controlling premature ejaculation. You can practice the start-stop method on your own or with a partner, but many men find using this method to be more effective with a partner.

Here is a brief outline of the method.

  1. Start masturbating or having sex as usual.
  2. When you feel you are on the edge of orgasm, stop stimulation. When the urge to ejaculate is over, resume stimulation.
  3. Do this four or five times before allowing yourself to cum.

While the start-stop method helps many men, some guys who use it find the method unfulfilling sexually for both themselves and their partners. 

Using Kegels to control ejaculation is not quite as disruptive. 

In addition, this treatment method lacks the additional benefits of Kegels.

Kegels Vs The Squeeze Technique

The squeeze technique works by manually stopping ejaculate from exiting the penis. 

Again, you can practice this technique alone or with a partner. Here’s how it works:

  1. Begin sexual stimulation.
  2. When you reach the point where you think you are about to orgasm, pause and squeeze the front and back of the shaft just below the head of the penis (you can also squeeze the base of the penis if preferred). Hold this position for several seconds or until the urge passes. 
  3. Resume stimulation until another orgasm is about to happen, then squeeze again. 
  4. Repeat the process four or five times before allowing yourself to climax. 

Compared to Kegels, the squeeze technique can be disruptive to sex because you need to keep stopping and starting over and over.

Also, some men may find this approach to be a little painful and it doesn’t offer the additional benefits of Kegels.

Once you identify the muscles, one way to do a simple Kegel exercise is to tighten and hold those muscles for a five-second count. Do this ten times in a row, two to three times per day, and you are well on your way to improving your sex life.



With so many benefits and few drawbacks for most people, Kegel exercises can be a great addition to almost any man’s sexual health routine.

They don’t cost you anything, you don't need any special equipment, and once you become an expert in Kegels, you can do them any time, whether you’re lying in bed, watching TV, or even working.

Do yourself a favor and do your Kegels.

In a short period of time, you just might find yourself with a better sex life.

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