Hepatitis B Vaccine


Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is a major global health problem.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Vaccine to Prevent Hepatitis B Virus

Dr.Deyn Natthakhet Yaemim, written on 28 Janruary 2019. Last reviewed and updated 18 June 2024


Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can cause chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer. A safe and effective vaccine that offers a 98-100% protection against hepatitis B is available. Preventing hepatitis B infection averts the development of complications including the development of chronic disease and liver cancer.



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How is hepatitis B spread?

The hepatitis B virus is spread when blood, semen, or other body fluid infected with the hepatitis B virus enters the body of a person who is not infected. People can become infected with the virus from:

  • Birth (spread from an infected mother to her baby during birth)
  • Sex with an infected partner
  • Sharing needles, syringes, or drug preparation equipment
  • Sharing items such as toothbrushes, razors or medical equipment such as a glucose monitor with an infected person
  • Direct contact with the blood or open sores of an infected person
  • Exposure to blood from needlesticks or other sharp instruments of an infected person

"Hepatitis B virus is not spread through food or water, sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, hand holding, coughing, or sneezing."


Can we prevent hepatitis B virus?

Yes. The best way to prevent hepatitis B is by getting vaccinated. The hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective. Completing the series of shots is needed for full protection.


How does the hepatitis B vaccine work?

The hepatitis B vaccine stimulates your natural immune system to protect against the hepatitis B virus. After the vaccine is given, your body makes antibodies that protect you against the virus. An antibody is a substance found in the blood that is produced in response to a virus invading the body. These antibodies will fight off the infection if a person is exposed to the hepatitis B virus in the future.

Hepatitis B Virus VaccinePrice
A course of 3 doses2500THB

Recommendations at a glance

CDC recommends hepatitis B vaccine for:

  • All infants.
  • All children and adolescents younger than 19 who have not been vaccinated.
  • Adults 19–59.
  • Adults 60 and older with risk factors for hepatitis B.

Why vaccination is important

Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent hepatitis B infection.

Hepatitis B vaccine dosing

Hepatitis B vaccine is a series of two or three shots depending on the vaccine brand.

Missing a dose

If you miss a dose of hepatitis B vaccine, it's okay. Be sure to get the next dose as soon as possible.

Pregnancy considerations

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe for pregnant people. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you.

Boosters are often not necessary

A "booster" dose is an extra dose of vaccine that can increase or extend the effectiveness of the vaccine. Most healthy people do not need a booster dose.


What to expect

If you get the three-shot series, your doctor will give them over a 6-month period. If you get the vaccine that is just two doses, you will get them about one month apart. You need to get all of the shots to be fully protected.


Safety and effectiveness

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you long-term protection against illness from acute and chronic infection.


Possible side effects

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe, and most people don’t experience any side effects. Soreness at the injection site is the most common side effect.


Available vaccines

There are several types of hepatitis B vaccines available in the United States. Talk to your doctor to determine which vaccine is right for you.


Where to get the vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine is available now. Talk to your doctor to get vaccinated.

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Book Your HBV Vaccine at PULSE Clinics Now


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 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic

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