Sexual Health Lab Test


Here we focus on providing comprehensive HIV and STD/STI screening at reasonable price for people in need.

Sexual Health Lab Test

Sexual Health Lab Test

Here we focus on providing comprehensive HIV and STD/STI screening at a reasonable price for people in need, actually a low price compared to other countries in Asia. We offer a private and comfortable setting to discuss your problem with the doctor.







PULSE Clinic offers complete sexual health physical examination and lab test

  • Rapid Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis A B C virus (very high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy)
  • Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C virus diagnosis and continuous care.




PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction or Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) is a modern molecular technique used to detect a particular pathogen (virus or bacterium) in a specimen of blood, body fluid, or other tissue.


This technique detects virus/bacterial DNA. The nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) is the recommended method of testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, and Trichomonas, among other infections. It has very high specificity (higher than 99.5%) higher sensitivity and accuracy than culture (old diagnosis technique). In both men and women, Genital PCR and Urine PCR were significantly more sensitive than culture. It can detect infection whether the organism is dead or alive! This is mostly done in first-world countries and medical schools.


In this case, our PCR tests looked for 28 infections (used to be 7 infections, now we can detect 28 infections with a cost-effective price)* in your throat, anus-rectum, and urethra.


  7 STIs7 GU14 STIs21 STIs28 STIs
1Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) 
2Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) 
3Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) 
4Mycoplasma hominis (MH) 
5Ureaplasma pavum (UP) 
6Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) 
7Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) 
8Chlamydia trachomatis LGV (LGV) 
9Treponema pallidum (TP) 
10Haemophilus ducreyi (HD) 
11Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) 
12Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) 
13Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 
14Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) 
15Candida albicans (CA)   
16Candida dubliniensis (CD)   
17Candida glabrata (CG)   
18Candida krusei (CK)   
19Candida lusitaniae (CL)   
20Candida parapsilosis (CP)   
21Candida tropicalis (CTp)   
22Atopobium vaginae (AV)    
23Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria 2 (BVAB2)    
24Bacteroides fragilis (BF)    
25Gardnerella vaginalis (GV)    
26Lactobacillus spp. (Lacto) [1]    
27Megasphaera Type 1 (Mega1)    
28Mobiluncus spp. (Mob) [2]    
  Test by Throat, Cervical, Vaginal, Anal, Rectal, Lesion, and Other swabs (Each Location)
and Urine (Recommended for Men)
 Samday Result 640064007200152501735018390
 Next Day Result 609060906990110501449015750
 3 Working Days Result 41904190499090501305014200
 7 Working Days Result 389038904690799011350012600




  1. - Chlamydia trachomatis (Serovas A-K) which causes Chlamydia
  2. - Chlamydia trachomatis (Serovas L1-L3) which causes LGV
  3. - Herpes simplex virus type 1
  4. - Herpes simplex virus type 2
  5. - Haemophilus ducreyi which causes Chancroid
  6. - Neisseria gonorrhoeae which causes Gonorrhea 
  7. - Treponema pallidum which causes Syphilis
  8. - Trichomonas vaginalis which causes Trichomoniasis
  9. - Ureaplasma urealyticum which causes an emerging STI
  10. - Ureaplasma parvum which causes an emerging STI
  11. - Mycoplasma genitalium which causes an emerging STI
  12. - Mycoplasma hominis which causes an emerging STI
  • Thanks to our staff for providing what we think would be the best care for our patient's conditions.
  • Get tested for these infections in your rectum, throat, urethra, or vagina once a year to prevent complications from hidden infections if you are sexually active.

Trust PULSE CLINIC to take care of your health like other 45000 people from over 130 countries. We provide discreet professional service with high privacy. Here to help, not to judge.

Book An Appointment NOW


In both men and women, Genital PCR and Urine PCR were significantly more sensitive than culture.

PCR almost doubled the number of patients detected by culture. Both urine PCR and culture require 7 working days.


Urine PCR can also detect hidden infections such as mycoplasma and ureaplasma. It's been found that, if left untreated, ureaplasma can be associated with infertility, non-specific urethritis, meningitis, and pneumonia. We normally use urine specimens, it is non-invasive, very easy, and no pain. Results can be sent to your email.


* Results for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C will be reported in 20 minutes.

** Herpes Simplex Virus Type I & II will be reported in 3 days

*** Other STI tests will usually take between 7 working days.

**** In case test kits are out of stock, we will send specimens to our laboratory, and you will get the result within 1 working day.



  • The doctor's fee is not included in the price list.
  • You can do these tests without a doctor (hence, no doctor fee) by using PULSExpress service.
  • Lab test results can be sent to your email address and soon on our mobile application.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.

Fast Test & Result for Fast Treatment

PCR Multiplex DNA Test for 28 Infections 

Our STD PCR Multiplex test offers advanced technology to detect up to 28 infections, including Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes Simplex, Trichomonas, and Candida strains, all in one test. It can identify infections in various anatomical areas, such as the throat, urethra, anorectal region, vagina, cervix, sperm, and skin lesions. For urethral infections, the Urine PCR is recommended, while the Throat Swab PCR is ideal after oral sex. Anal Swab PCR is advised for unprotected anal sex, and the Vaginal Swab PCR is recommended for vaginal sex, with staff guidance available for all tests.


PCR for 28 Infections
(STD Multiplex)

Online results
Same day**Next day3 days7 days
Throat14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Urine14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Anal Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Vaginal Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Cervical Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Sperm14,800 THB 12,640 THB11,600 THB10,080 THB
Skin Lesion Swab14,000 THB11,600 THB10,480 THB9,200 THB
Pooling 15,600 THB13,280 THB12,400 THB10,800 THB
PCR for 2 Infections
Same dayNext day3 days7 days
Throat5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Urine5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Vaginal and Cervical Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Rectal Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB
Sperm*6,200 THB5,150 THB4,100 THB
3,690 THB
Skin lesion Swab5,690 THB4,990 THB3,990 THB3,300 THB

PULSE Teleconsult: Connect with Doctors Anytime, Anywhere!

Sometimes you might not be able to go to a STD clinics when you have concerns about your health. PULSE now offers PULSE Telemedicine & Teleconsult, enabling both new and existing patients to connect with doctors from 16 branches across 6 countries during clinic hours for non-emergency consultations. After the consultation, medications are delivered directly to the patient's doorstep.

3 Easy Steps to Get a Teleconsult with PULSE!

  1. Connect with us Either on Whatsapp, Line App to Chat with us or call us to talk with our staff to request teleconsult
  2. Verification & Consultation Our team will guide you through the verification process before your online consultation. Our doctors provide virtual consultations via available platforms, just like a traditional visit—only from the comfort of your home! Access care anywhere, anytime.
  3. Get Your Treatment From Home! If your doctor determines that medication is necessary, they will provide you with a medical certificate and prescription. Your medication can be delivered to your address through our online delivery service, or in some cases, you may choose to use the prescription at a local pharmacy. For certain conditions, further lab tests may be required, and the doctor may recommend scheduling an appointment at one of our clinics near you!


Test of Cure After Treatment with Our Teleconsult Services: Ensuring Complete Recovery

After completing treatment through our teleconsult services, your doctor may recommend a PCR test as a follow-up test of cure. This is to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and that the prescribed medication has successfully eliminated the infection. We prioritise your health by confirming that no infection remains in your system, helping to prevent persistent or recurrent infections, complications, or the development of drug resistance. Typically, this test is performed around three weeks after your final day of treatment to ensure optimal results.


Teleconsult is now available for booking through our staff at PULSE Clinic. Our team will help guide you through the process to ensure your session with one of our doctors goes as smoothly as possible for you. Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic



Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic




If you are sexually active, you should get tested regularly.


Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic

Trust PULSE CLINIC to take care of your health like other 45000 people from over 130 countries. We provide discreet professional service with high privacy. Here to help, not to judge.

Book An Appointment NOW


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