Shingrix® Shingles Vaccination - Chiang Mai | PULSE Clinic


Get the newest and most affordable Shingles Vaccination Shingrix® in our Chiang Mai branch in Thailand

Shingrix® Shingles Vaccination - Chiang Mai | PULSE Clinic

Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccine in Chiang Mai


Get to know Herpes Zoster. Understand its efficacy, potential side effects, and crucial practices for avoiding shingles and how getting vaccinated can help protect you against this virus.


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Shingles, resulting from the varicella-zoster virus reactivation, can cause serious pain and problems, particularly in people over 50. In response, vaccines such as Shingrix have become effective instruments in the fight against shingles and its consequences. We examine how Shingrix functions, its significance, safety issues, and who should consider getting vaccinated.



What is Shingrix® Shingles Vaccination?

Our Chiang Mai branch in Thailand offers Shingrix® shingles immunization programs. Because of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which also causes chickenpox, shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a painful infection of the skin and nerves. In the future, shingles may develop from the virus that caused your chickenpox, which can remain in your body for years.

The likelihood of this occurring is higher in individuals over 60, but it can happen at any moment. On one side of the body or face, shingles typically begin as an excruciating rash. Blisters from the shingles rash often dry up and scab over in 7 to 10 days, then disappear in 2 to 5 weeks. Ophthalmic shingles is the term used to describe some cases of shingles that affect one of the eyes.

This occurs as a result of the virus reactivating in a portion of the trigeminal nerve, which regulates facial movement and feeling. Shingles can occur more than once, unlike chickenpox, and about 33 percent of people will get shingles at some point in their lives. Getting vaccinated against Shingrix® can reduce your risk of developing shingles again.


How Does Shingrix® Shingles Vaccination Work?

The immune systems of aging people naturally deteriorate, which raises the risk of shingles. In order to lower the risk of developing shingles, Shingrix works by enhancing the body's immune response against the varicella-zoster virus. To guarantee optimal protection, this vaccination is given in a series of two doses, with the second shot administered two to six months following the first.


Can individuals living with HIV get Shingrix?

Individuals living with HIV are more likely to have shingles and face serious consequences. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend a two-dose series of Shingrix for all HIV-positive adults aged 19 years of age or older with CD4+ T cell levels greater than 200/mL.

Shingrix vaccination can dramatically lower this population's chance of developing shingles and its associated consequences.


Safety Requirements

Shingrix is generally safe and reliable, but there are several things you should know. Shingrix should be avoided by anyone who is allergic to any of it's ingredients or who has had Guillain-Barré syndrome after receiving a vaccination. Fatigue, muscle soreness, and injection site pain are typical adverse effects. Prior to vaccination, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should speak with their healthcare professionals.

Shingrix is generally regarded as safe, but like any vaccine, it may have adverse effects. It is critical to be mindful of possible reactions and to adopt the appropriate safety measures.

Let's see. Here is a rundown of the Shingrix vaccine's negative effects and safety measures:

Inverse Effects:

  • The injection site is painful, swollen, and red: This is the most frequent adverse effect, although it usually only causes temporary discomfort.
  • Muscle pain:As a side effect of the vaccination, some people may develop muscle soreness.
  • Tiredness: Fatigue is another typical side effect that a lot of people mention.
  • Headache: Headaches are a possible but minor adverse effect.
  • Shivering and fever: Some people may get a low-grade fever and chills.
  • Upset Stomach: Some patients have been observed to have digestive symptoms, such as an unsettled stomach.
  • Allergic Reactions: Allergy responses to Shingrix are possible, however rare. Those who have previously experienced severe adverse responses to any part of the vaccination ought to stay away from it.



  • Precautions for Allergies: Receiving the vaccination is not advised for anyone who is allergic to any Shingrix ingredients or who experienced a severe allergic response from a previous dose.
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS): The Shingrix vaccination was associated with an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome. A healthcare provider should discuss the advantages and disadvantages with anyone who has a history of GBS.
  • Fainting: Shingrix is one of the injectable vaccines that might cause fainting. It is important to take precautions to prevent injuries from fainting and falls.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant or lactating women were not specifically investigated when using Shingrix. If you are nursing a baby, intend to get pregnant, or are currently pregnant, speak with your healthcare professional.
  • Existing Illness: Shingrix can still infect you even if you only have a small disease, such as a cold. Waiting until you recuperate before getting the vaccination is usually advised, though, if you have a mild or severe illness.
  • Previous Vaccination: Individuals who have gotten the varicella (chickenpox) vaccination, Zostavax, or have shingles can still benefit from Shingrix.


How much is the Shingrix vaccine in Chiang Mai?

Our Chiang Mai branch in Thailand is ready to welcome you!

The Shingrix vaccine costs 14,000 THB for 2 doses, including doctor consultations. 


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Shingrix vs Zostavax: Which Shingles Vaccine Is Better?

Shingrix is said to be more than 90% successful in treating postherpetic neuralgia and shingles, a painful nerve disorder that may develop as a follow-up to shingles. This new vaccine is much more effective than Zostavax, which had been employed previously. It only made a 51% difference in shingles prevention.


Tips: How To Follow Up Effectively

Two-Dose Series:

Shingrix is taken in 2 doses, the second of which is given two to six months after the first. For the best protection, both doses are essential.

Duration of Protection:

It has been demonstrated that Shingrix offers robust protection against postherpetic neuralgia and shingles for a minimum of seven years.

Consultation with our healthcare provider:

Always ask your healthcare professional about Shingrix's advantages and disadvantages. Based on your unique situation and medical background, they can offer tailored counseling.

Please keep in mind that each person will react differently to vaccinations, so it's important to discuss any worries or particular medical problems with your healthcare provider prior to receiving a vaccination.


Shingrix's Effectiveness

According to studies, Shingrix is quite successful at preventing shingles and postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) in adults. Even in elderly people and those with compromised immune systems, its effectiveness is still rather high. The vaccination is especially recommended for people living with HIV because of their heightened risk of developing shingles.


Is Shingrix the New Shingles Vaccine?

Right! The new shingles vaccine is called Shingrix, indeed. It is a non-live, adjuvanted recombinant vaccine with excellent efficacy against postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and shingles. Shingrix offers over 90% protection against certain disorders when taken in two doses. In Thailand, the price of a complete course of 2 Shingrix dosages, including a physician consultation, is 14,000 THB.


In summary

Shingrix is an essential tool for preventing shingles and the difficulties that come with them. Owing to it's remarkable effectiveness and safety record, it presents a viable way to shield people from the shingles virus, particularly elderly and immunocompromised people. To fully benefit from this vaccine, it is imperative to speak with healthcare specialists for tailored recommendations.


How do I get Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccine in Chiang Mai?

Shingrix® shingles vaccination is now available in Chiang Mai at PULSE CLINIC. Vaccinate yourself to avoid getting shingles! Contact us for further information. You can contact us at Chiang Mai brunch, call us, or schedule your immunization right now online.

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