What is PIG and PIG PLAY?


What is PIG? Am I a pig?

What is PIG and PIG PLAY?

Sexual Safety for Pigs or Pig Play

Gay slang originated out of necessity. Gay men wanted to be able to speak in public without revealing their sexuality, especially in places and times of extreme LGBTQ+ persecution. Thus, the gay lexicon was born. Over the years, gay slang has evolved, and it’s sometimes tough to keep up. So here they are, all the creatures in the queer animal kingdom... Bear, Cub, Pup, Bull, Otter, Chicken, Chickenhawk, Wolf, Gym Rat, but what is PIG?



Pig Play

Associated with the gay community to describe the act of having dirty or kinky sex. It can mean a range of sexual behaviors from licking armpits or having sweaty sex after running around all day without having showered, to unprotected sex and requiring the top cum in your ass and ass-to-mouth, to anything involving watersports, urine colonics, tag-team sex, bareback, breeding, fisting, and cum swapping. A true sex pig is an insatiable anal sex addict. It's a pretty vague term although often associated with being kinky and implying being a bottom.
If you find yourself squealing with delight at the mention of any of these in a sexual setting, perhaps you might identify as being a little piggy too:

  • Anal play with toys
  • Armpits or body odor
  • Bodily fluids
  • Fisting
  • Group sex
  • Spit or sweat
  • Underwear, socks or sneakers

“A pig is defined by raunchiness, hedonism, and insatiability, a guy who will dive into a stinky armpit and lick it out because the taste and smell drive him nuts on the deepest primal level. That’s a pig.” A pig can also enjoy having a group of men ejaculate in his face, or enjoy pissing on other guys, or both, or neither.

I know this sounds like risky sex to you, well yes it is risky sex so I would like to discuss sexual safety for pigs.


Sexual safety for pigs or pig play

Since we might be involved in many or all sources of bodily fluids which can increase the risks of getting HIV and other STIs. To have maximum protection from all these while enjoying our pleasure, you need to know all about prevention technologies and strategies such as condoms, PrEP, PEP, and undetectable viral load.


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