As they say, “every drop counts”. The same goes for your load.
Male infertility or the inability to conceive a child can be devastating news, especially to those who want to raise a family. It can be attributed to several factors, including low sperm count.
While you can take supplements like D-aspartic acid and medications such as Priligy to increase sperm production, you can also boost your efforts by simply modifying your diet in your daily life. Yes. Just by eating the right food, you can help your body function normally, raise sperm count, and improve sperm motility.
These will be helpful formen with fertility issues or those who wish to ensure that their load is healthy and high-quality. If you’re wondering what those food are, keep on reading below!
Omega-3 is one of the best sources of sperm development. It helps form the structure of the sperm’s acrosome or its “pointy cap”, which contains enzymes that penetrate the ovum.
Without a healthy acrosome, the sperm will not mature, and it will be hard for the sperm to pierce through the egg, thus making conceiving a baby more difficult.
That’s why it is helpful to eat food that is rich in Omega-3 like fatty fish such as Salmon and Sardines.
Ever wonder why oysters are always depicted in movies as the food that couples eat when they are on a romantic date? Aside from its slurpy goodness, it is a natural aphrodisiac, which increases sex drive.
It is also abundant in nutrients like Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Selenium. All of these help increase sperm count and heighten its quality, as well.
Selenium, on the other hand, works wonders in improving numerous aspects of male fertility.
Do you want to know what to eat to improve sperm health? These nuts– walnuts, to be specific! This yummy treat is high in Omega-3, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Antioxidants, and Folate.
Folate is crucial in spermatogenesis. This is a process where sperm cells are produced. Men who have low sperm count need more Folate in their system, and eating nuts is a great way to obtain them.
Vitamin B6 is equally helpful for men. It aids in strengthening sperm motility or the ability of the cell to “swim the right way” through the female reproductive tract.
Beef isn’t just for the gains. Apart from building your muscles, it is loaded with other essential nutrients like Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B12, and L-Carnitine.
We’ve talked about the benefits of Selenium, but the notable benefits you’ll get from beef are high amounts of Zinc and L-Carnitine.
L-Carnitine is great for protecting and improving overall sperm health to allow it to swim freely.
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Liver may not cater to everybody’s palate, but men should be accustomed to its bitter taste as it’s great in increasing sperm production and developing sperm health.
This is because of the Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate, Coenzyme Q10 (or Co Q10) found in liver.
There are many recipes that you do with liver to make it more delicious and appetizing for all like foie gras, pâté, and more.
While we’ve mentioned walnuts in the list, it’s also good to get your hands on brazil nuts. They are extremely rich in Selenium.
Selenium protects your sperm from any possible damage. This allows it to be strong enough to penetrate through the egg for the couple to successfully conceive a child.
If you can’t find brazil nuts in your neighborhood, you can always rely on other food like tuna, beef, or pork for Selenium.
Tomatoes are not only refreshing with all their antioxidant properties, but it’s also a premium source of Lycopene and Vitamin C.
Those two have numerous positive impacts on male fertility. According to research, it improves sperm count by an average of 22 million per ml, sperm motility by 25%, and form structure by 10%!
You can eat tomatoes as is or enjoy it in salads or pasta– a very versatile fruit for many dishes.
These are berry good for your bodies– pun intended! Most berries like Amla Berries, Acai Berries, Lingonberries, and others are super antioxidants.
It cleanses your body and this positively affects sperm quality, too. It protects the system from toxins or other harmful organisms.
It’s a delicious treat that you can munch on or enjoy as a smoothie to refresh your day.
Since there is food that is good for the sperm's health, there are also ones that deteriorate its quality and lower its number. Here are some that you should avoid eating or lessen your intake of:
Having healthy sperm health means making every effort in improving your lifestyle– including your diet.
Apart from watching what you eat, PULSE Clinic can help you prevent and solve male fertility problems through our various services and treatments. We offer:
Contact us today or visit any of our PULSE Clinic branches for a consultation with our doctors and medical staff.
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