PrEP at PULSE clinics. Studies have shown that PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken daily. Get PrEP at PULSE CLINICS
PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It means taking medicine before being exposed to something to prevent yourself from getting a disease or condition. We use several kinds of medicine this way.
We are the first licensed private medical clinic to provide PrEP and PrEP-related services since 2015. After 6 years we already have more than 15,000 people from 130 countries visiting our clinics to get PrEP with us. We provide proper advice before you start. Book an appointment now.
Here is how PrEP works:
11 branches of PULSE CLINIC are now open 7 days a week in all 4 countries; Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.
But if you can't visit us at the clinic for whatever reasons, You can buy PrEP online from our licensed clinics.
In July 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the daily use of Truvada (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus emtricitabine, or TDF/FTC) as PrEP for sexually active adults at risk of getting HIV. Truvada is often used as part of combination drug treatment for HIV. This was the first time the FDA approved any medication for the prevention of HIV. The World Health Organization (WHO) released updated guidelines in June 2016 that expand earlier recommendations. It now recommends that daily oral PrEP be offered as an additional prevention method to all people at substantial risk of getting HIV. The WHO has approved the use of either Viread (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) or Truvada for this purpose. However, each country must individually approve the use of Truvada or Viread as PrEP and determine how it will provide the drug.
Several clinical trials have shown that taking Truvada as oral PrEP (one pill by mouth daily) lowers the risk of acquiring HIV from sex by more than 90%. That risk is reduced by more than 70% among people who inject drugs.
Trust PULSE CLINIC to take care of your health like other 45000 people from over 130 countries. We provide discreet professional service with high privacy. Here to help, not to judge.
Clinical trials of several other PrEP products are ongoing.
Studies have shown that the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) in Truvada can lead to a reduction in kidney function and bone loss. Two alternatives to TDF are under development:
Some people do not want to take a pill daily, or have trouble remembering to do so. Two long-acting forms of PrEP are under development:
If you think PrEP may be a good option for you, here are a few questions you can discuss with your health care provider:
While PrEP is designed to be used in combination with condoms or other safer sex measures, women who cannot or do not use internal condoms may want to use PrEP instead of condoms. It is important to understand the overall risks and benefits of using PrEP to reduce one's HIV risk, as well as to consider methods of protection from other sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs).
We have been helping people getting PrEP easily since 2015. Thousands of people worldwide are protected from HIV and the number of new HIV infections are reducing. Let's live our lives with let worries and give HIV an end! The beginning of new life starts now with PULSE clinic's PrEP online department special service. Just click on the photo below and let us take you to the PrEP online client portal.
1.McCormack S, Dunn D. Pragmatic Open-Label Randomised Trial of Preexposure Prophylaxis: The PROUD Study. CROI 2015; Seattle, Washington, 2015.
2.Molina J, Capitant C, Spire B, Pialoux G, Chidiac C, Charreau I, et al., editors. On demand PrEP with oral TDF-FTC in MSM: results of the ANRS Ipergay trial. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections;
For more information about the medication and ordering process,
please email pulseliving@pulse-clinic.com or chat on your preferred platform.
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