Syphilis Treatment in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Koh Samui (Thailand)


Get effective syphilis treatment in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket , Chiang Mai (Thailand). Fast, confidential care from trusted healthcare professionals.

Syphilis Treatment in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Koh Samui (Thailand)

Syphilis Treatment in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai (Thailand)

Syphilis can be cured with the right antibiotics prescribed by your healthcare provider, but treatment won't reverse any damage already caused by the infection. Getting treated early can improve your outcome and reduce the risk of long-term health problems.

Syphilis is treated with antibiotics, which may be given as injections, tablets, or capsules. Treatment can start before test results are ready, and the length of treatment depends on the infection's stage. Some people may experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, and muscle aches, but these usually go away within 24 hours.


Syphilis Test Promotion at PULSE Clinic

PackageSpecial Price
HIV + Syphilis + HCV Screening1,100 THB
HIV + Syphilis + HCV + HBV (Antigen & Antibody) Screening2,200 THB


If you're worried you might be in risk of STD, don't wait! Reach out to us to get yourself tested and get the correct treatment. Ease your mind with a private, quality, and affordable treatment from PULSE Clinic today!

Contact us at or chat on your preferred platform:

 +66 65 237 1936    @PULSEClinic   PulseClinic


ItemPrice for
Treatment with
Antibiotics Tablets/Capsules
Price for
Antibiotics Injection
Chlamydia (Serovar A-K)400 THB-
Gonorrhea-1,000 THB
Primary Syphilis-1,300 THB
Secondary Syphilis-1,300-3,900 THB*
Latent Syphilis-1,300-3,900 THB*
Chancroid-1,300 THB
Mycoplasma genitalium1,400 THB-
Mycoplasma hominis1,000 THB-
Ureaplasma urealyticum1,000 THB-
Ureaplasma parvum1,000 THB-
Herpes type 1 (HSV-1)1,600 THB-
Herpes type 2 (HSV-2)1,600 THB-
LGV - Chlamydia (Serovar L1-L3)1,200 THB-
  • Prices are in Thai Baht
  • *Treatment depends on medical doctor's diagnosis due to timeline and progression of disease and patient's history of allergy.
  • Patients should have a proper consultation with licensed medical doctor before starting treatment.
  • Patients who received doctor consultation prior to laboratory testing do not have to pay doctor for prescription if/when the results come back positive for STDs.
  • Patients who get tested with PULSExpress service at PULSE CLINIC, Doctor fee 600THB will be charged for antibiotics prescription. PULSE CLINIC can deliver medication to patient's hotel/apartment with normal delivery fee.
  • For patients who did not get tested at PULSE CLINIC, doctor fee 800THB applied for prescription of antibiotics.
  • Please do not buy medication over the counter, you might receive wrong treatment which will lead to drug resistant infections.
  • Prices are subjected to change without notice


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need to Book An Appointment at PULSE Clinic?

You can either walk into any of our clinics to get tested and treated, or you can book an appointment beforehand to streamline the process, making your wait time shorter.

  • Here's how:
    • Go to the PULSE Clinic Booking page (or click Book an Appointment Now button below)
    • Choose your preferred location
    • Choose the service you want to avail
    • Choose your preferred appointment date and time
    • Fill out necessary details
    • Confirm booking

Are There Preparations I Need To Do Before My Syphilis Test?

You don't need to prepare in advance for a syphilis test, but you should make sure to check the window period for the test you're getting.

Why is HIV Often Tested Together with Syphilis?

Doctors usually recommend testing for HIV along with other STIs, especially syphilis. Testing for syphilis alongside HIV is common practice, as syphilis can be diagnosed using blood samples. Syphilis is also more likely to cause sores and blisters on your body, which can increase your susceptibility to other STIs.

Some STIs can cause sores and blisters in areas exposed to sexual activity, making it easier for HIV infection to occur. Knowing your status for other STIs not only helps you get the right treatment but also allows you to assess your risk of HIV transmission more effectively.

How Long Should I Wait Before Getting a Syphilis Test?

The window period (the period between when a person contracts the infection and when a test can reliably detect it.) for syphilis typically lasts 3–6 weeks, but many experts advise getting tested 90 days after exposure. This period refers to the time between exposure to syphilis and when a test can accurately detect the infection.

If you regularly have unprotected sex, please consider being on HIV PrEP for HIV prevention and DoxyPEP for bacterial STIs (including syphilis) prevention. Preventive care of STIs nowadays can be really effective in giving you protection when used together. Consult with your doctor to see what you should do to help reduce your risk of STI tranmissions. 

How Do I Prevent Syphilis?

Syphilis is transmitted through sexual contact. The most effective way to prevent it is by getting tested regularly and using condoms or dental dams during sexual activity.

If you regularly have unprotected sex, please consider being on HIV PrEP for HIV prevention and DoxyPEP for bacterial STIs (including syphilis) prevention. Preventive care of STIs nowadays can be really effective in giving you protection when used together. Consult with your doctor to see what you should do to help reduce your risk of STI tranmissions. 


What's New

  • Home delivery
  • Buy acyclovir and valacyclovir online with prescription
  • Test yourself at home

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